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Exceptions to Academic Requirements, Policies, and Procedures

Policy statement

Exceptions to College academic requirements, policies, and procedures are granted only in rare instances upon written petition to the College of Arts and Sciences. Degree requirements cannot be waived. 

Students who seek an exception should consult with their academic advisor about the issue(s) prior to requesting the exception. The advisor may help identify alternatives and provide resources that may resolve the student’s concerns without the need for an exception. In situations where a student still wishes to seek an exception, the advisor can refer the student to the appropriate form, procedure, or office. In some cases, the advisor may be able to request the exception on behalf of the student.

Students whose requests for an exception are denied may:

  1. Within 7 business days of receiving the denial, submit a written request to the office or individual who rendered the decision asking that the original exception request be reconsidered.
  2. If the decision is not changed as a result of step 1, within 7 business days of receiving notification of the decision, submit a written request to the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs asking that the exception request and denial decision be reviewed. The appeal will be assigned to the appropriate Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Education (ADUE). This step is only available if an ADUE was not the decision maker in step 1 above; if an ADUE was the decision maker at step 1, skip to step 3.
  3. If a denial decision is upheld by an ADUE, within 14 business days of receiving notification of the decision, submit a petition asking that the exception request and denial decision be reviewed by the Deans’ Board of Review. Decisions rendered by the Deans’ Board of Review are final.

Students who do not respect the timeline for appealing decisions will forfeit their right to have the decisions reviewed and the denial will be considered final. 

  • 2024-05-01: Updated title to include "procedures." Revised language to direct students to first consult with their College College academic advisor. Revised language also establishes procedure for appealing exceptions and sets time limits. These changes, in part, formalize some long-standing practices.
  • 2018-05-01: No changes from previous version

About this policy

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