Course descriptions, prerequisites and more...
4576 courses found. Showing results 1–10.
- AAAD-A 100 African American Dance Company: Foundations and Practices (2 cr.) P: Consent of instructor by audition. R: Previous dance training desirable but not essential. Emphasis on ethnic and jazz traditions, although other genres are regularly performed. Repertoire varies from semester to semester. Participation in on- and off-campus concerts, workshops, and lecture demonstrations required. May be repeated individually or in combination with AAAD-A 110 or AAAD-A 120 for a maximum of 12 credit hours.
- AAAD-A 104 Groups Theatre Workshop (2 cr.) Open to summer Groups Program students only. Through a musical/theatrical piece chosen for study and performance, students are encouraged to explore and develop their abilities and to experience growth and motivation that comes from participating in a unified and motivating group experience.
- AAAD-A 110 African American Choral Ensemble: Foundations and Practices (2 cr.) The ensemble performs music composed by, for and about blacks, including spirituals, gospel, art songs, and excerpts from operas and musicals. Repertoire varies from semester to semester. Participation in on- and off-campus concerts, workshops, and lecture demonstrations required. No audition required. Students meet the first day of class prepared to sing. Vocal evaluations and part assignments will be done during class. Ability to read music is desirable but not essential. May be repeated individually or in combination with AAAD-A 100 or AAAD-A 120 for a maximum of 12 credit hours.
- AAAD-A 112 Black Music of Two Worlds (3 cr.) An exploration of the relationships among musics of West and Central African people and their descendants in the United States, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Emphasis placed on the conceptual and aesthetic continuities between musical expression in Old and New World contexts—a uniformity which exists because of shared African cultural ancestry. Credit given for only one of AAAD-A 112, FOLK-E 112, or FOLK-F 112.
- AAAD-A 113 Atkins Living-Learning Center Foundational Course (1 cr.) P: Must be an Atkins Living-Learning Center student.. Examines the impact of African American history and culture on the nation as a whole and on the international community.
- AAAD-A 120 Soul Revue: Foundations and Practices (2 cr.) P: Consent of instructor by audition. Introduces the richness and depth of black popular tradition through authentic performance practices. Repertoire varies from semester to semester. Participation in on- and off-campus concerts, workshops, and lecture demonstrations required. Ability to read music desirable but not essential. May be repeated individually or in combination with AAAD-A 100 or AAAD-A 110 for a maximum of 12 credit hours.
- AAAD-A 131 Early African American and African Diaspora Literature (3 cr.) Examines historical texts and introduces them and tropes emphasized by writers to articulate issues of freedom, identity, and salvation as perceived by blacks in diaspora communities. Teaches students how to relate literary works to historical and cultural contexts and how to think critically about ideas, images, and master narratives as presented by African American writers and writers of the black diaspora.
- AAAD-A 132 Recent African American and African Diaspora Literature (3 cr.) Examines recent literary texts and introduces students to transnational themes and tropes emphasized by black writers to articulate issues of freedom, identity, and salvation; utilizes interdisciplinary methods to teach students how to appreciate literary artistry; relate literary works to historical and cultural contexts; and think critically about ideas, images, and master narratives as presented by African American writers and writers of the black diaspora.
- AAAD-A 150 Survey of the Culture of Black Americans (3 cr.) Required for the major. Explores the culture of Blacks in America viewed from a broad interdisciplinary approach, employing resources from history, literature, folklore, religion, sociology, and political science.
- AAAD-A 154 History of Race in the Americas (3 cr.) Exploration of the development of racism and racial ideologies in the United States, the Caribbean, Latin America, and South America from colonial times to the present. Emphasizes the interaction among cultural, political, and economic factors in shaping patterns of conflict and collaboration, domination and resistance.