Course descriptions, prerequisites and more...
82 courses found. Showing results 1–10.
- CHEM-A 314 Biological and Environmental Chemical Analysis (2 cr.) P: CHEM-C 341, CHEM-J 341, CHEM-S 341, or CHEM-R 340; and MATH-M 119, MATH-M 211, or MATH-S 211. Theory and application of analytical techniques, including statistical treatment of data, spectroscopy, separation methods, electroanalytical methods, radioisotopes, and immunological methods. Credit given for only one of CHEM-A 314 or CHEM-C 318.
- CHEM-A 315 Chemical Measurements Laboratory (2 cr.) P: CHEM-A 314; or CHEM-C 317 and CHEM-C 318. Application of analytical techniques and instrumentation to qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis. Theory, instrumentation, and data analysis will be covered. Credit given for only one of CHEM-A 315 or CHEM-A 316.
- CHEM-A 316 Bioanalytical Chemistry Laboratory (2 cr.) P or C: CHEM-C 318 or CHEM-A 314. Laboratory experiments involve the application of analytical techniques and instrumentation to chemical analysis of biological samples. Methods include spectroscopy, immunoassays, chromatography, electrophoresis, and mass spectrometry. Credit given for only one of CHEM-A 315 or CHEM-A 316.
- CHEM-B 486 Gene Expression and Physiology (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 484 or consent of instructor. Biosynthesis of macromolecules, control of gene expression, advanced topics in biochemistry.
- CHEM-B 487 Biochemistry Laboratory (2 cr.) P: (CHEM-C 343, CHEM-J 343, CHEM-S 343 or CHEM-X 325); and CHEM-C 484. P or C: CHEM-C 485. Laboratory instruction in the fundamental techniques of protein biochemistry, including separation of macromolecules by electrophoresis and chromatography; isolation, purification, and analysis of enzymes; and methods for probing protein-ligand interactions. Credit given for only one of CHEM-B 487 and CHEM-B 488; or CHEM-C 487.
- CHEM-B 488 Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory (2 cr.) P: CHEM-B 487 with a grade of C- or higher. P or C: CHEM-C 485. Laboratory instruction in the fundamental techniques of nucleic acid chemistry, including assay methods, nucleic acid purification strategies, recombinant DNA procedures; transformations, protein expression systems, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methodologies, and methods of genomic analysis. Credit given for only one of CHEM-B 487 and CHEM-B 488; or CHEM-C 487.
- CHEM-C 100 The World as Chemistry (3 cr.) For non-science majors, the chemistry of everyday life: fuels, plastics, drugs, water, air, and living systems. Lectures illustrated by demonstrations, films, and molecular models. Readings include articles from current newspapers and magazines.
- CHEM-C 101 Elementary Chemistry I (3 cr.) Usually taken concurrently with CHEM-C 121. Essential principles of chemistry, atomic and molecular structure, bonding, properties and reactions of elements and compounds, stoichiometry, solutions, and acids and bases. For students who are not planning careers in the sciences and for those with no previous coursework in chemistry. Credit given for only one of CHEM-C 101 or CHEM-C 103.
- CHEM-C 102 Elementary Chemistry II (3 cr.) P: CHEM-C 101. Usually taken concurrently with CHEM-C 122. Continuation of CHEM-C 101. The chemistry of organic compounds and their reactions followed by an extensive introduction to biochemistry.
- CHEM-C 103 Introduction to Chemical Principles (5 cr.) Designed specifically to alleviate deficiencies in chemistry and prepare students for CHEM-C 117-CHEM-C 127. Content includes applications of measurement and chemical formula/equation conversions; modern view of the atom; and solution processes that relate to chemical reactions. Lectures, labs, and discussion sections will emphasize problem-solving strategies. Credit given for only one of CHEM-C 103; or CHEM-C 101 and CHEM-C 121.