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Below you will find the list of courses offered through the College's schools, departments, and programs. This list includes important information about each course, including the course description, credit hours, prerequisites, repeatability, and more. Use the filters to narrow your search.


8 courses found. Showing results 1–8.
  • ABEH-A 101 Introduction to Animal Behavior (3 cr.) Provides students with a general introduction to the scientific study of animal behavior, including a broad overview of how developmental, physiological, and ecological factors determine behaviors and the evolutionary forces that shape those behaviors.
  • ABEH-A 200 Workshop in Animal Behavior (3 cr.) P: Animal behavior major. Introduces a range of research topics within animal behavior. Provides information on general experimental methods and design, and on potential research opportunities in the field.
  • ABEH-A 301 Animal Conservation Science (3 cr.) P: BIOL-L 111; or consent of the instructor. Following an introduction to the broad field of conservation biology, students learn how research in ecology, evolution, behavior, physiology, genetics, genomics, and development are applied to animal conservation.
  • ABEH-A 350 Animal Behavior Laboratory (3 cr.) P: ABEH-A101 or BIOL-Z460. Teaches how to observe, quantify, and manipulate animal behavior in a laboratory setting. Practices fundamental experimental techniques used in ethological research.
  • ABEH-A 400 Advanced Workshop in Animal Behavior (3 cr.) P: ABEH-A 200 and BIOL-Z 460. Research seminar for advanced animal behavior students. Focuses on an individual research project that culminates in a formal presentation related to the student's independent research or internship experience. Goal is to improve independent study, problem-solving, research, reading, writing, and oral presentation skills. Students also critically evaluate research in the primary literature and research presentations at the annual Animal Behavior Conference.
  • ABEH-A 401 Topical Issues in Animal Behavior (1–3 cr.) Topics related to the scientific study of animal behavior not studied extensively in other courses. Topics vary. May be repeated up to 3 times with a different topic for a maximum of 9 credit hours.
  • ABEH-X 473 Animal Behavior Internship (1–6 cr.) P: Consent of department. Hands-on animal behavior research experience in practical situations. Interns are matched with faculty mentors and internship sites. Students combine research with practical service to the host organization. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours in ABEH-A 495 and ABEH-X 473. S/F grading.
  • ABEH-X 491 Independent Study in Animal Behavior (1–3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Independent study under supervision of a faculty member. Study in depth of a topic of interest to the student, culminating in a research paper and presentation. May be repeated twice for a maximum of 6 credit hours.