Course descriptions, prerequisites and more...
9 courses found. Showing results 1–9.
- ASCS-Q 275 Professional Portfolio Development (1 cr.) Students create a professional portfolio, an educational tool used for reflection and the practical pursuit of graduate studies and/or career placement. Students incorporate their personal academic experience into a tangible record of their accomplishments in order to communicate the value of their liberal arts education with outside constituents. S/F grading.
- ASCS-Q 294 College to Career I: Explore Your Options (2 cr.) P: Freshman or sophomore standing. Development and integration of self-assessment, career planning, and academic work. Students design and produce an individual career action plan. Through self-assessment instruments, they develop their understanding of their personal values, interests, skills, and personality in relation to their vocational options, academic process, and career projections. S/F grading.
- ASCS-Q 295 Design Your Life and Career (1 cr.) Uses design-thinking principles and framework as a way to approach important life decisions with mindfulness and creativity. Includes exploration of majors and careers of interest as well as development of a plan to continue this exploration throughout the college years. S/F grading.
- ASCS-Q 296 College to Career II: Navigate Your Arts and Sciences Experience (2 cr.) P: At least sophomore standing. Explores the relationship between academic and extracurricular choices and life after graduation. Students assess their skills, develop a portfolio to highlight them, and create a plan to address gaps. Focuses on a paradigm of job searching that emphasizes research and highly customized, focused application materials. Credit given for only one of the following: ASCS-Q 296, BUS-T 275, or SPEA-V 252. S/F grading.
- ASCS-Q 299 Build Your Job and Internship Search Toolkit (1 cr.) P: At least sophomore standing. Introduces a job and internship search paradigm focused on the developing a professional story and communicating it through resumes, cover letters, interviews, and networking. Provides training in the creation of a self-marketing plan that incorporates academic, extracurricular, and professional experiences, as well as strengths and skills into a compelling narrative. Credit given for only one of the following: ASCS-Q 299, BUS-X 420, SPEA-H 267, SPEA-V 252, or SPEA-V 352.
- ASCS-Q 377 The Art of Meaningful Work (3 cr.) Examines the idea that each of us has a "calling" or unique gift that can make a difference in the world. Through experiential, theoretical, and discussion-oriented exercises, students are challenged to deeply explore personal issues of spirituality, meaning, and purpose in relation to the world of work.
- ASCS-X 265 Arts & Sciences Global Tech Experience (6 cr.) P: Consent of department . Virtual experiential learning program that allows students, regardless of major and academic background, to learn technical and intercultural communication skills and apply them to real-world projects in consultation with industry leaders. Requires a learning contract, weekly journals, reflective papers, instructor meetings, and evaluation by program supervisor. Satisfactory/Fail grading.
- ASCS-X 373 Internship: Theory into Practice (1–3 cr.) P: Approval of the College of Arts and Sciences Walter Center for Career Achievement. Provides opportunity to receive academic credit for a part-time or full-time internship experience that applies classroom concepts to the world of work. Requires a learning contract, employer evaluations, weekly journal, reflective paper, and evaluation of internship site. Offered spring, summer, and fall. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours. S/F grading.
- ASCS-X 375 Full-Time Status Internship Assignment (1–3 cr.) P: Approval of the College of Arts and Sciences Walter Center for Career Achievement. Offers students the opportunity to integrate academic studies with professional work experience in an internship or cooperative education assignment off-campus. Provides opportunity to receive academic credit for full-time internship experience that applies classroom concepts to the world of work. Requires a learning contract, employer evaluations, weekly journal, reflective paper, and evaluation of internship site. May be repeated up to a maximum of 6 credit hours in ASCS-Q 398, ASCS-X 373, and ASCS-X 375. S/F grading.