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Student Responsibility

Policy statement

Students are responsible for planning their own programs of study and for meeting the degree requirements for graduation. For advice in fulfilling these requirements and in planning a course of study students in the College are encouraged to regularly seek out academic counseling from the academic advisors in the departments that offer the major(s) minor(s) and certificate(s) that the students hope to pursue. Although faculty and academic advisors will do their best to aid students it is ultimately each student's responsibility to plan an appropriate academic course of study and to fulfill the various degree requirements. Familiarizing themselves with the contents of this Bulletin is a crucial first step that students can and should take to ensure they know what opportunities are available to them and what requirements are expected of all students in the College of Arts and Sciences.

The online Academic Advisement Report (AAR) is another valuable resource that will help students to plan a course of study and monitor their progress toward a degree. It provides detailed information regarding both the various degree requirements that students have fulfilled and those that they still need to complete. Students who need clarification regarding any information on their AAR or any of the requirements for their degree program are urged to contact their academic advisor or the College of Arts and Sciences Recorder's Office.

Finally Indiana University reserves the right to change course offerings without notice. Students are responsible for consulting the online Schedule of Classes for the most up-to-date listing.

  • 2018-05-01: No changes from previous version

About this policy

Policy ID:

Student Status, Responsibility, and Records

Version Date: