Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Departmental Honors
Students on Summer 2018, Fall 2018, or Spring 2019 requirements HISP-HON
The Spanish and Portuguese Honors Programs offer outstanding students the option to engage in independent research, reading, and writing in Spanish or Portuguese during their junior and/or senior years of undergraduate study. The Honors Programs provide highly motivated students an opportunity to hone their critical, analytical, and organizational skills while further consolidating their Spanish or Portuguese competency. Students will receive tutorial instruction and conduct independent research on an aspect of Luso/Hispanic literatures, cultures, or linguistics, culminating in the writing of a 30-50-page honors thesis. The Director of Undergraduate Studies solicits nominations from the faculty for the Honors Program and then screens and interviews the nominees in order to admit into the program those who are most likely to succeed. Qualified students are, however, also strongly encouraged to apply directly to the program by contacting the Director of Undergraduate Studies or the Administrative Undergraduate Secretary.
To graduate with Departmental Honors, students must:
- Have consent of a faculty member to act as the student's Research Director, and assembly of an Honors Thesis Committee, including and in consultation with the Research Director.
- Successfully complete HISP-S/P 498 Readings for Honors course in the student's area of interest during the student's Junior or Senior year.
- Successfully complete HISP-S/P 499 Honors Research in Spanish/Portuguese and defend the Honors Thesis.
College of Arts and Sciences Requirements
- Students must have a College GPA of 3.300 or higher to qualify for admission to a Departmental Honors program and to receive Departmental Honors. Units may set a higher College GPA.
- Units establish additional criteria, including admissions procedures, academic performance standards, and whether there are required courses, papers, or projects.
- Students who wish to earn honors in two different units must complete a distinct body of work for each honors notation.
To be eligible, a student must have an overall grade point average of 3.300 with a 3.500 GPA or higher in their major core courses, either Spanish or Portuguese, and also have completed all coursework at the 300 level of their major. It is expected that the student will maintain the above GPAs until graduation.