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Department of Political Science

Departmental Honors

Students on Summer 2018, Fall 2018, or Spring 2019 requirements POLS-HON


To attain a degree with honors, students must:

  1. Present an acceptable honors thesis. The thesis must earn a grade of B+ or higher in order for the student to qualify for honors. There are two paths to the thesis:
    • The student researches and writes a thesis, usually over the course of two semesters. Honors students typically enroll in four (4) hours of POLS-Y 499 Honors Colloquium over two semesters (usually in the senior year) and may choose to enroll in up to 6 credits of POLS-Y 499 for honors thesis research with his or her faculty advisor. The total amount of credit is determined by the chairperson of the student's honors committee. The honors thesis is written under the direction of two faculty members: the faculty supervisor who serves as chairperson of the student's honors committee, and at least one additional member of the honors committee. Graduate students may not serve as honors supervisors.
    • The student arranges with a faculty member to enroll in a graduate seminar in political science. The research paper for that seminar serves as the basis for the honors thesis, and the instructor of the graduate seminar becomes the chairperson of the student's honors committee. This path is used very infrequently.
  2. In both cases, during the fall and spring semesters of the year in which the thesis is being completed and defended, honors students are required to enroll and participate in the "Honors Colloquium" section of POLS-Y 499, which will be three (3) credits in the fall semester and one (1) in the spring.

College of Arts and Sciences Requirements

  • Students must have a College GPA of 3.300 or higher to qualify for admission to a Departmental Honors program and to receive Departmental Honors. Units may set a higher College GPA.
  • Units establish additional criteria, including admissions procedures, academic performance standards, and whether there are required courses, papers, or projects.
  • Students who wish to earn honors in two different units must complete a distinct body of work for each honors notation.