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Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Minor in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Students on Summer 2022, Fall 2022, or Spring 2023 requirements EASMIN

The Minor in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences offers students a flexible option to either explore the interacting systems of the solid earth and atmosphere, or focus course work in Earth sciences or Atmospheric Sciences.


The minor requires at least 16 credit hours, including the requirements listed below.
  1. Introductory Course. One (1) course:
    • Any EAS-A 100–199
    • Any EAS-E 100–199
    • Any EAS-X 100–199
  2. Intermediate Course. One (1) course:
    • EAS-E 225 Earth Materials
    • EAS-E 226 Earth Processes
    • EAS-E 227 Earth Climate and History
  3. Advanced Courses.
    1. 300-Level Course. One (1) course:
      • Any EAS-A 300–399
      • Any EAS-E 300–399
      • Any EAS-X 300–399
    2. 400-Level Course. One (1) course:
      • Any EAS-A 400–499
      • Any EAS-E 400–499
      • Any EAS-X 400–499
  4. Minor GPA, Hours, and Minimum Grade Requirements.
    1. Minor GPA. A GPA of at least 2.000 for all courses taken in the minor—including those where a grade lower than C- is earned—is required.
    2. Minor Minimum Grade. Except for the GPA requirement, a grade of C- or higher is required for a course to count toward a requirement in the minor.
    3. Minor Upper Division Credit Hours. At least 9 credit hours in the minor must be completed at the 300–499 level.
    4. Minor Residency. At least 9 credit hours in the minor must be completed in courses taken through the Indiana University Bloomington campus or an IU-administered or IU co-sponsored Overseas Study program.