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Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures

Bachelor of Arts in Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures

Students on Summer 2022, Fall 2022, or Spring 2023 requirements MELCBA

The Bachelor of Arts in Middle Eastern Languages and Culture (MELC) provides training in the languages of the Middle East and introduces students to Middle Eastern cultures, including the geographic area stretching across North Africa to Turkey, and southward down through Iraq to the Arabian Peninsula. Courses in Middle Eastern literatures and cultures—many of which are open to students with no knowledge of these languages— may satisfy College of Arts and Sciences Education (CASE) Breadth of Inquiry, Culture Studies, Foreign Language and Intensive Writing requirements, as well as Campus General Education Arts and Humanities, Social and Historical Studies, World Languages and Cultures and Diversity in the United States requirements. MELC can be a great double major or minor for students interested in International Studies, History, Linguistics, Religious Studies, English, Comparative Literature, and Anthropology. All courses can also be taken as electives.

Students complete either the Culture or Language track.