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Animal Behavior Program

Departmental Honors

Students on Summer 2024, Fall 2024, or Spring 2025 requirements ABEH-HON

Honors students will receive intensive independent research experience under the mentorship of an animal behavior faculty member.  This intensive research experience provides the opportunity to employ knowledge gained in coursework to a research question that the student develops in conjunction with their mentor, and to develop and hone hands-on skills in designing, planning, and carrying out a research project; data analysis and interpretation; and scientific writing and oral presentations through writing their honors thesis and defending it. Honors students are also encouraged to present their research at our spring Animal Behavior Conference.

Students completing the honors program will gain valuable insight into scientific careers. The Honors degree formally recognizes a student’s commitment to the study of animal behavior, their academic excellence, and their accomplishments as a budding researcher in the field.


  1. Honors Research. Six (6) credit hours:
    • ABEH-X 491 Independent Study in Animal Behavior
    • COGS-X 497 Research in the Cognitive and Information Sciences
    • COGS-X 498 Project in the Cognitive and Information Sciences
    • PHYS-X 498 Research Project
    • PSY-P 499 Honors Thesis Research
    • PSY-X 397 Supervised Research I
    • PSY-X 398 Supervised Research II
    • PSY-X 497 Supervised Research III
    • PSY-X 498 Capstone Supervised Research
  2. Thesis. Complete a mentored research project; write and defend an honors thesis.
  3. College GPA. A College grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.300 is required.

Exceptions to and substitutions for honors requirements may be made with the approval of the unit's Director of Undergraduate Studies, subject to final approval by the College of Arts and Sciences.