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Department of American Studies

Departmental Honors

Students on Summer 2024, Fall 2024, or Spring 2025 requirements AMST-HON

Working toward departmental honors in American Studies gives students the opportunity to conduct in-depth research and pursue their passion for a particular subject. Earning an honors degree demonstrates a student’s research skills and may provide a competitive edge in applications for graduate or professional schools.


  1. Course Requirements. Honors candidates must earn 42 credit hours in American Studies, including the following:
    1. Honors Senior Seminar in American Studies. One (1) course:
      • AMST-A 451 Honors Senior Seminar in American Studies
    2. Honors Thesis in American Studies. One (1) course:
      • AMST-A 452 Honors Thesis in American Studies
    3. Foreign Language Competency. Demonstrate competency in a single foreign language equivalent to a third year of study. This may require an additional two semesters (6 cr.) of a foreign language beyond College requirements, including at least one course at the 300–499 level that covers a foreign language literature. The language chosen must pertain directly to American Studies and requires the approval of the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
  2. Major GPA. An American Studies major grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.500 or higher is required.
  3. College GPA. A College grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.300 is required.

Exceptions to and substitutions for honors requirements may be made with the approval of the unit's Director of Undergraduate Studies, subject to final approval by the College of Arts and Sciences.