Minor in Media and Diversity (Minors)
The Media and Diversity minor approaches diversity as an important social principle that is continually examined, debated and circulated in a wide variety of media. The social concept of diversity has eclipsed concepts like "integration" in part because the older term was tied to a concept of proximity in space that could not anticipate the rapid evolution of virtual social spaces such social networks and fora. The growing importance and understanding of diversity as a broad spectrum of people, ideas and experiences has paralleled the rapid evolution of the connected world. Courses in this minor examine how media and mediated experience simultaneously break down old barriers at the same time that new types of digital divides arise. It connects The Media School curriculum with the teaching and research of faculty from many units. It also promotes a core feature of the Media School's mission: the study and analysis of the interaction of technology and media in the creation of new social, economic and entertainment networks.
- Introduction to Media and Diversity. One (1) course:
- MSCH-C 214 Race, Prejudice, and the Media
- MSCH-C 218 Sports, Media and Society
- MSCH-C 219 Media in the Global Context
- MSCH-C 233 Media and Diversity
MSCH-C 214 Race, Prejudice, and the Media
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- This course addresses the psychology of racial prejudice and stereotyping and uses this social-scientific framework to examine the impact of media portrayals. We will focus on how race influences our media consumption decisions and how exposure to certain media messages (in entertainment, news, music, video games) could change racial stereotypes.
- Repeatability
- Credit given for only one of MSCH-C 214 or TEL-T 191.
- Summer 2025CASE SHcourseSpring 2025CASE SHcourse
MSCH-C 218 Sports, Media and Society
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Examination of the social and financial relationships between sports organizations, media and society. Study of the social implications of sports media content in light of economic connections between sports media and college and professional sports teams, including how television contracts influence media coverage and how organization-based media influence audience perceptions.
MSCH-C 219 Media in the Global Context
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Surveys media industries, products, and publics outside the United States context (e.g., Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America). Analyzes regional media in relation to local/global historical, economic, and social processes. Screenings may be required.
- Repeatability
- Credit given for only one of MSCH-C 219 or CMCL-C 202.
- Summer 2025CASE GCCcourseSpring 2025CASE GCCcourse
- Summer 2025CASE SHcourseSpring 2025CASE SHcourse
MSCH-C 233 Media and Diversity
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Explores the intricate relationship between media, diversity, and representation, focusing on key areas such as journalism, digital media, film/cinema, and gaming.
- Advanced Media and Diversity Electives.
- Media School Electives. Two (2) courses:
- MSCH-C 232 Media, Fashion and Politics
- MSCH-C 233 Media and Diversity
- MSCH-D 332 Media Technology and Difference
- MSCH-D 413 Global Screen Cultures
- MSCH-F 326 Authorship in the Media (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
- MSCH-F 375 Race, Gender, and Representation
- MSCH-F 377 Cinemas of the Black Diaspora
- MSCH-J 360 Journalism Specialties (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
MSCH-C 232 Media, Fashion and Politics
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- It is through media that fashion reflects culture, social movements, and trends. This course explores the relationship between media, fashion, and politics and applies media effects and visual communication theory to the examination of key moments where fashion and politics have merged.
MSCH-C 233 Media and Diversity
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Explores the intricate relationship between media, diversity, and representation, focusing on key areas such as journalism, digital media, film/cinema, and gaming.
MSCH-D 332 Media Technology and Difference
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- A grade of C- or higher in MSCH-C 101; or consent of instructor
- Description
- From algorithmic biases to gendered work cultures in Hollywood and Silicon Valley, issues of race, gender, sexuality, ability, and class come with media technologies\' design, production, and use. This course explores a wide array of technological politics in concert with some of today\'s most pressing issues.
MSCH-D 413 Global Screen Cultures
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Covers electronic media\'s role in altering perceptions of time, space, locality, and identity. Explores changing economic, political, and cultural relations in the global media environment. Topics vary and may include global media events, trans-border information flows, cultural differences in media forms and practices.
- Repeatability
- May be repeated with different topics for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
- Summer 2025CASE SHcourseSpring 2025CASE SHcourse
MSCH-F 326 Authorship in the Media
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Topic varies: in-depth analysis of directors, producers, or creative individuals in the media, viewed as 'authors.'
- Repeatability
- May be repeated with a different topic for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
- Summer 2025CASE AHcourseSpring 2025CASE AHcourse
MSCH-F 375 Race, Gender, and Representation
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Construction of race and gender identities across a range of media. Emphasis on the power of sound/image representations to shape and contest ideas about race and gender. Topic varies.
- Repeatability
- May be repeated with a different topic for a maximum of 6 credit hours in CMCL-C 412, JOUR-J 375, or MSCH-F 375.
- Summer 2025CASE SHcourseSpring 2025CASE SHcourse
MSCH-F 377 Cinemas of the Black Diaspora
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Examines filmmaking in the black diaspora as a formally innovative visual and narrative art form in world cinema. Studies select films for their political and cultural significance and shared themes. Topics include colonialism and postcoloniality; race, gender and sexuality; migration and exile; modernity; and the dislocating processes of globalization.
- Summer 2025CASE AHcourseSpring 2025CASE AHcourse
- Summer 2025CASE DUScourseSpring 2025CASE DUScourse
MSCH-J 360 Journalism Specialties
- Credits
- 1–4 credit hours
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Topical course dealing with changing subjects and material from term to term.
- Repeatability
- May be repeated for credit with different topics in JOUR-J 360 and MSCH-J 360.
- Additional Electives. Two (2) courses:
- Additional course from the Media School Elective list
- AMST-A 150 Introduction to Native American and Indigenous Studies
- AMST-A 202 U.S. Arts and Media
- AAAD-A 330 African American Cinematic Experience
- AAAD-A 359 Ethnic/Racial Stereotypes in American Film
- AAAD-A 430 The Cinema of Africana Women
- AAAD-A 447 Race, Crime, and Media
- LATS-L 302 Latinos in the Media
AMST-A 150 Introduction to Native American and Indigenous Studies
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Introduction to Native American and Indigenous cultures, literature, history, arts, values, lifeways, spirituality, and social and political institutions. Focuses on global and hemispheric elements including North America.
- Summer 2025CASE DUScourseSpring 2025CASE DUScourse
- Summer 2025CASE SHcourseSpring 2025CASE SHcourse
AMST-A 202 U.S. Arts and Media
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Interdisciplinary approaches to a cultural genre (e.g., science fiction, pop art, jazz), discourse (e.g., individualism, family values, globalization) or medium (e.g., comics, television, the Internet). Constructing, deconstructing, reconstructing an object of cultural study. Recent topics have included Images of the Body, Jazz and Cultural Hierarchy, and Youth Cultures.
- Repeatability
- May be repeated with a different topic for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
- Summer 2025CASE AHcourseSpring 2025CASE AHcourse
AAAD-A 330 African American Cinematic Experience
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Examines the historical and contemporary portrayals of African Americans in Hollywood and in independent narrative film focusing on the social and political functions of film, its legitimization of race, and its oppositional formations, interventions, and practices. Considers how film mediates and interrogates race and social relations in American society.
- Summer 2025CASE AHcourseSpring 2025CASE AHcourse
AAAD-A 359 Ethnic/Racial Stereotypes in American Film
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- A study in cross-cultural stereotyping as evidenced in the film medium. Analysis of Native American, Asian, black, Hispanic, and Jewish groups. Features, shorts, and animations screened to illustrate the "classic" stereotypes of each group and to demonstrate their impact on American society.
- Summer 2025CASE AHcourseSpring 2025CASE AHcourse
- Summer 2025CASE DUScourseSpring 2025CASE DUScourse
AAAD-A 430 The Cinema of Africana Women
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Historical and critical overview of films produced by African American women from the 1940s to the present. The course emphasizes how black women filmmakers combine their creative abilities with a desire to capture dominant issues that affect black women's lives in America.
- Summer 2025CASE AHcourseSpring 2025CASE AHcourse
AAAD-A 447 Race, Crime, and Media
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Focuses on crime reporting in America, addressing the question of whether or not the media distort the picture of crime. In particular, this course explores the mass media treatment of African Americans in the coverage of crime.
LATS-L 302 Latinos in the Media
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Explores the complex relationship between mainstream media constructions of Hispanics and the Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Cuban migrations to the United States.
- Summer 2025CASE DUScourseSpring 2025CASE DUScourse
- Summer 2025CASE SHcourseSpring 2025CASE SHcourse
- Media School Electives. Two (2) courses:
- Minor GPA, Hours, and Minimum Grade Requirements.
- Minor GPA. A GPA of at least 2.000 for all courses taken in the minor—including those where a grade lower than C- is earned—is required.
- Minor Minimum Grade. Except for the GPA requirement, a grade of C- or higher is required for a course to count toward a requirement in the minor.
- Minor Upper Division Credit Hours. At least 9 credit hours in the minor must be completed at the 300–499 level.
- Minor Residency. At least 9 credit hours in the minor must be completed in courses taken through the Indiana University Bloomington campus or an IU-administered or IU co-sponsored Overseas Study program.
Minor Area Courses
Unless otherwise noted below, the following courses are considered in the academic program and will count toward academic program requirements as appropriate:
- Any course at the 100–499 level with the
subject area prefix—as well as any other subject areas that are deemed functionally equivalent - Any course contained on the course lists for the academic program requirements at the time the course is taken—as well as any other courses that are deemed functionally equivalent—except for those listed only under Addenda Requirements
- Any course directed to a non-Addenda requirement through an approved exception
- Any course at the 100–499 level with the
The following courses cannot be applied toward minor requirements:
- ANTH-E 422 Native American and Indigenous Media
- ENG-R 339 Freedom of Speech
ANTH-E 422 Native American and Indigenous Media
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Study of contemporary Native American and global indigenous representation and communication, including oral performance and media. Explores the poetics and politics of media and performance in the context of indigenous histories, cultures, and experiences of colonization. Examines the use of performance forms as symbolic resources in literature, film, the Internet, music and television. Addresses intersections of gender, class and race in indigenous media worlds.
- Repeatability
- Credit given for only one of ANTH-E 422 or CMCL-C 430.
- Summer 2025CASE SHcourseSpring 2025CASE SHcourse
ENG-R 339 Freedom of Speech
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- An examination of the concept of freedom of speech as a historical, philosophical, legal, and rhetorical concept.
- Repeatability
- Credit given for only one of CMCL-C 339 or ENG-R 339.
- Summer 2025CASE AHcourseSpring 2025CASE AHcourse
This program of study cannot be combined with the following:
- Bachelor of Arts in Journalism (JOURBAJ)
- Bachelor of Arts in Media (MEDIABA)
- Bachelor of Fine Arts in Cinematic Arts (CINEARTBFA)
- Bachelor of Science in Game Design (GAMEDSGNBS)
- Certificate in Journalism (JOURUGACR1)