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Robert F. Byrnes Russian and East European Institute

Certificate in Russian and East European Studies

Students on Summer 2024, Fall 2024, or Spring 2025 requirements RUEESTACRT


The certificate requires at least 24 credit hours, including the requirements listed below.
  1. Introduction to International Studies. One (1) course:
    • INTL-I 100 Introduction to International Studies
  2. Russian and East European Area Studies.
    1. History and Geography. One (1) course:
      • Russian and East European Institute
        • REEI-R 201 Current Issues in Eastern Europe
        • REEI-R 202 Magic in the Russian Empire
        • REEI-R 300 Russian and East European Issues
        • REEI-R 302 Russia, Past and Present
        • REEI-X 490 Readings in Russian and East European Studies
      • Central Eurasian Studies
        • CEUS-R 191 Introduction to Central Eurasia
        • CEUS-R 199 Introductory Topics in Central Eurasian Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CEUS-R 294 Introduction to Hungary, Estonia, and Finland
        • CEUS-R 295 Contemporary East Central Europe
        • CEUS-R 299 Intermediate Topics in Central Eurasian Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CEUS-R 302 Modern Finland
        • CEUS-R 309 Topics in Baltic-Finnish Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CEUS-R 310 Introduction to Central Asian History
        • CEUS-R 313 Islam in Soviet Union and Successor States
        • CEUS-R 329 Topics in Central Asian Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CEUS-R 342 Roma (Gypsy) History and Culture
        • CEUS-R 349 Topics in Hungarian Studies
        • CEUS-R 360 Modern Mongolia
        • CEUS-R 369 Topics in Mongolian Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CEUS-R 383 Ten Sultans, One Empire: Ottoman Classical Age, 1300-1600
        • CEUS-R 389 Topics in Turkish Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CEUS-R 393 The Mongol Century
        • CEUS-R 399 Advanced Topics in Central Eurasian Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CEUS-R 412 Central Asia under Russian Rule
        • CEUS-R 413 Islamic Central Asia, Sixteenth-Nineteenth Centuries
      • College of Arts and Sciences
        • COLL-C 104 Critical Approaches to the Social and Historical Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
      • Collins Living-Learning Center
        • CLLC-L 310 Collins Symposium (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CLLC-L 320 Collins Symposium (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
      • European Studies, Institute for
        • EURO-W 405 Special Topics in European Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
      • Geography
        • GEOG-G 320 Population Geography
        • GEOG-G 378 The Geography of North Central Asia
        • GEOG-G 427 Russia and Its Neighbors
        • GEOG-G 428 Geography of Europe
      • Global and International Studies, School of
        • SGIS-S 300 Global Issues (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • SGIS-S 400 Advanced Topics in Global Affairs (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • SGIS-X 373 Internship in Global and International Studies
      • History
        • HIST-B 300 Issues in Western European History (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • HIST-B 303 Issues in Modern European History (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • HIST-B 315 European Anti-Semitism from the Enlightenment to the Holocaust
        • HIST-B 323 History of the Holocaust
        • HIST-B 348 Byzantine History
        • HIST-D 100 Issues in Russian and East European History
        • HIST-D 102 Icon and Axe: Russia from Earliest Times to 1861
        • HIST-D 103 The Making of Modern Russia
        • HIST-D 200 Issues in Russian/East European History
        • HIST-D 201 Democratic Revolutions since 1980
        • HIST-D 300 Issues in Russian/East European History
        • HIST-D 302 The Gorbachev Revolution and the Collapse of the Soviet Empire
        • HIST-D 303 Heroes and Villains in Russian History
        • HIST-D 304 Jews of Eastern Europe
        • HIST-D 308 Empire of the Tsars
        • HIST-D 309 Russia in World War II: Battles and People
        • HIST-D 310 Russian Revolutions and the Soviet Regime
        • HIST-D 320 Modern Ukraine
        • HIST-D 321 Hungarian History and Civilization to 1711
        • HIST-D 322 Hungarian History and Civilization 1711--1918
        • HIST-D 325 Path to Emancipation: Nationalism in the Balkans, 1804--1923
        • HIST-D 327 The Habsburg Empire, 1780-1918: Nation-Building and Imperial Decline
        • HIST-D 329 Eastern Europe 1900--1943
        • HIST-D 330 Eastern Europe 1944--Present
        • HIST-G 300 Issues in Asian History (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • HIST-H 251 Introduction to Jewish History: From the Bible to Spanish Expulsion
        • HIST-H 252 Introduction to Jewish History: From Spanish Expulsion to the Present
        • HIST-J 300 (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • HIST-J 400 Seminar in History (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • HIST-W 203 World War I: Global War
        • HIST-W 325 World War II: The Peoples
      • Jewish Studies
        • JSTU-J 251 Introduction to Jewish History: From the Bible to Spanish Expulsion
        • JSTU-J 252 Introduction to Jewish History: From Spanish Expulsion to the Present
        • JSTU-J 323 History of the Holocaust
      • Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures
        • MELC-M 347 Rise of Eastern Rome
        • MELC-M 348 Byzantium
    2. Social Sciences. One (1) course:
      • Russian and East European Institute
        • REEI-R 201 Current Issues in Eastern Europe
        • REEI-R 300 Russian and East European Issues
        • REEI-X 490 Readings in Russian and East European Studies
      • Anthropology
        • ANTH-E 382 Memory and Culture
        • ANTH-E 387 The Ethnography of Europe
        • ANTH-E 397 Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East
        • ANTH-E 398 Peoples and Cultures of Central Asia
        • ANTH-E 400 Undergraduate Seminar (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • ANTH-E 412 Anthropology of Russia and Eastern Europe
        • ANTH-E 415 Topics in Communication and Culture in Comparative Perspective (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • ANTH-E 445 Seminar in Medical Anthropology
        • ANTH-L 400 Topical Seminar in the Ethnography of Communication (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
      • Central Eurasian Studies
        • CEUS-R 199 Introductory Topics in Central Eurasian Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CEUS-R 299 Intermediate Topics in Central Eurasian Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CEUS-R 309 Topics in Baltic-Finnish Studies
        • CEUS-R 315 Politics and Society in Central Asia
        • CEUS-R 318 Labor and Migration in Central Asia
        • CEUS-R 320 Central Asia in Soviet Times
        • CEUS-R 329 Topics in Central Asian Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CEUS-R 345 War and Peace in Eastern Europe in the 20th Century
        • CEUS-R 349 Topics in Hungarian Studies
        • CEUS-R 369 Topics in Mongolian Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CEUS-R 389 Topics in Turkish Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CEUS-R 394 Environmental Problems and Social Constraints in Northern and Central Eurasia
        • CEUS-R 399 Advanced Topics in Central Eurasian Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CEUS-R 416 Religion and Power in Islamic Central Asia
      • College of Arts and Sciences
        • COLL-C 104 Critical Approaches to the Social and Historical Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
      • Collins Living-Learning Center
        • CLLC-L 310 Collins Symposium (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CLLC-L 320 Collins Symposium (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
      • Criminal Justice
        • CJUS-P 340 Law and Society: The Cross-Cultural Perspective
        • CJUS-P 474 Law, Crime, and Justice in Post-Soviet Russia
        • CJUS-P 493 Seminar in Criminal Justice (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
      • Economics
        • ECON-E 309 Topics in Economics (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • ECON-E 386 Soviet-Type Economies in Transition
        • ECON-E 390 Undergraduate Seminar in Economics (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
      • European Studies, Institute for
        • EURO-W 304 Model European Union
        • EURO-W 405 Special Topics in European Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
      • Global and International Studies, Hamilton Lugar School of
        • SGIS-S 300 Global Issues (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • SGIS-S 400 Advanced Topics in Global Affairs (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • SGIS-S 401 Cybersecurity, Policy, and Governance
      • Global Living-Learning Community
        • GLLC-G 210 Global Village Colloquium (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • GLLC-G 220 Global Village Colloquium (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • GLLC-G 320 Global Village Symposium (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • GLLC-G 321 Intelligence and National Security
      • Hutton Honors College
        • HON-H 304 Interdepartmental Colloquia (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
      • International Studies
        • INTL-I 203 Global Development
        • INTL-I 300 Topics in International Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • INTL-I 302 Advanced Topics in Global Health and Environment (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • INTL-I 303 Advanced Topics in Global Development (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • INTL-I 304 Advanced Topics in Human Rights and International Law (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • INTL-I 310 Advanced Topics in Diplomacy, Security, Governance (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • INTL-I 325 International Issues through Foreign Languages (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • INTL-I 400 International Studies Capstone Seminar
        • INTL-I 422 Contested Territories/Conflicted Identities (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • INTL-X 370 Topics with Service Learning in International Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
      • Political Science
        • POLS-Y 107 Introduction to Comparative Politics (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • POLS-Y 109 Introduction to International Relations
        • POLS-Y 200 Contemporary Political Topics (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • POLS-Y 210 Honors Seminar (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • POLS-Y 332 Russian Politics
        • POLS-Y 340 East European Politics
        • POLS-Y 348 The Politics of Genocide
        • POLS-Y 350 Politics of the European Union
        • POLS-Y 351 Political Simulations (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • POLS-Y 352 The Holocaust and Politics
        • POLS-Y 363 Comparative Foreign Policy
        • POLS-Y 368 Russian and Soviet Foreign Policy
        • POLS-Y 375 War and International Conflict
        • POLS-Y 376 International Political Economy
        • POLS-Y 399
        • POLS-Y 401 Topics in Political Science (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
      • Public and Environmental Affairs, School of
    3. Literature and Culture. One (1) course:
      • Russian and East European Institute
        • REEI-R 201 Current Issues in Eastern Europe
        • REEI-R 300 Russian and East European Issues
        • REEI-X 490 Readings in Russian and East European Studies
      • Art History
        • ARTH-A 101 Ancient and Medieval Art
        • ARTH-A 226 Envisioning the Sacred: Survey of Medieval Art
        • ARTH-A 341 Nineteenth-Century European Art
        • ARTH-A 421 Pagans and Christians: Christian Art in the Roman Empire
        • ARTH-A 425 Heaven on Earth: Art and the Church in Byzantium
        • ARTH-A 426 The Medieval City
        • ARTH-A 442 Twentieth-Century Art, 1900-1945
        • ARTH-A 480 Russian Art
      • Central Eurasian Studies
        • CEUS-R 199 Introductory Topics in Central Eurasian Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CEUS-R 299 Intermediate Topics in Central Eurasian Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CEUS-R 304 Hot Reads from a Cool Country: Contemporary Finnish Literature
        • CEUS-R 309 Topics in Baltic-Finnish Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CEUS-R 313 Islam in Soviet Union and Successor States
        • CEUS-R 316 Peoples and Cultures of Central Asia
        • CEUS-R 329 Topics in Central Asian Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CEUS-R 342 Roma (Gypsy) History and Culture
        • CEUS-R 349 Topics in Hungarian Studies
        • CEUS-R 369 Topics in Mongolian Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CEUS-R 389 Topics in Turkish Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CEUS-R 392 Uralic Peoples and Cultures
        • CEUS-R 399 Advanced Topics in Central Eurasian Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
      • College of Arts and Sciences
        • COLL-C 103 Critical Approaches to the Arts and Humanities (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
      • Collins Living-Learning Center
        • CLLC-L 310 Collins Symposium (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CLLC-L 320 Collins Symposium (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
      • Comparative Literature
        • CMLT-C 335 Realism, Naturalism, and Symbolism
        • CMLT-C 340 Women in World Literature (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CMLT-C 347 Literature and Ideas (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CMLT-C 377 Topics in Yiddish Literature (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CMLT-C 378 Topics in Yiddish Culture (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • CMLT-C 400 Studies in Comparative Literature (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
      • English
        • ENG-L 375 Studies in Jewish Literature
      • European Studies, Institute for
        • EURO-W 406 Special Topics in European Studies (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
      • Folklore and Ethnomusicology
        • FOLK-F 312 European Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • FOLK-F 330 Folk Culture and Related Fields (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
      • Germanic Studies
        • GER-E 351 Topics in Yiddish Literature (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • GER-E 352 Topics in Yiddish Culture (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • GER-X 493 Individual Readings in Yiddish Studies: Language, Literature, Culture
      • Hutton Honors College
        • HON-H 234 Literature of Time and Place (Approved topics: "LITERATURE OF THE HOLOCAUST" (TPC 12))
        • HON-H 303 Interdepartmental Colloquia (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
      • Jewish Studies
        • JSTU-J 203 Arts and Humanities Topics in Jewish Studies (Approved topics: "LITERATURE OF THE HOLOCAUST" (TPC 13))
        • JSTU-J 303 Arts and Humanities Topics in Jewish Studies (Approved topics: "RUSSIAN JEWISH WRITERS" (TPC 25))
      • Media School, The
        • MSCH-J 448 Global Journalism: Issues and Research
        • MSCH-J 450 History of Journalism (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
      • Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures Studies
        • MELC-M 305 Issues in Middle Eastern Literature (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
      • Religious Studies
        • REL-A 355 The Right Belief: History of Orthodox Christianity
        • REL-A 430 Topics in the History of Judaism (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • REL-D 362 Religious Issues in Contemporary Judaism (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
        • REL-R 300 Studies in Religion (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
      • Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures
        • SLAV-C 223 Introduction to Czech Culture
        • SLAV-C 363 History of Czech Literature and Culture
        • SLAV-C 364 Lovers & Murderers: Czech Literature and Culture from WWII to Today
        • SLAV-C 365 Seminar in Czech and Central European Literatures and Cultures
        • SLAV-C 366 Czech Cinema
        • SLAV-P 223 Introduction to Polish Culture
        • SLAV-P 363 Faces of War and Freedom
        • SLAV-P 364 From Anxiety To Revolution
        • SLAV-P 365 Topics in Polish Literature and Culture
        • SLAV-P 366 The Bold and the Restless: Polish Film from the 1950s to the Present
        • SLAV-R 123
        • SLAV-R 223 Introduction to Russian Culture
        • SLAV-R 224 Contemporary Russian Culture
        • SLAV-R 229 Russian Folk Tales
        • SLAV-R 263 Pushkin to Dostoevsky
        • SLAV-R 264 Rus Lit: Tolstoy to Solzhenitsyn
        • SLAV-R 322 Linguistic Approaches to Russian Literature
        • SLAV-R 328 Nabokov
        • SLAV-R 334 Tolstoy and Dostoevsky
        • SLAV-R 349 Myth and Reality: Women in Russian Literature and in Life
        • SLAV-R 366 Russian and Soviet Film
        • SLAV-R 381 Dostoevsky and His Demons
        • SLAV-R 405 Readings in Russian Literature I
        • SLAV-R 406 Readings in Russian Literature II
        • SLAV-R 407 Readings in Russian Culture, History, and Society I
        • SLAV-R 408 Readings in Russian Culture, History, and Society II
        • SLAV-R 451 Russian Poetry
        • SLAV-S 223 Introduction to Balkan and South Slavic Cultures
        • SLAV-S 320 Special Topics in Slavic Studies
        • SLAV-S 363 Literature and Culture of the Southern Slavs I: Literature and Nationalism in the Balkans
        • SLAV-S 364 Socialist Modernism
        • SLAV-T 230 Topics in Slavic Literatures and Cultures
        • SLAV-T 241 Central and East European Immigration and Ethnic Identity in the U.S.
        • SLAV-T 252 Introduction to the Slavic Languages
        • SLAV-T 366 Central European Cinema
        • SLAV-U 223 Introduction to Ukrainian Culture
        • SLAV-X 490 Supervised Individual Reading (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
    4. REE Area Studies Electives. Two (2) courses:
      • Additional course(s) from the History and Geography list
      • Additional course(s) from the Literature and Culture list
      • Additional course(s) from the Social Sciences list
  3. Electives. Six (6) additional credit hours:
    • Additional course(s) from the Russian and East European Area Studies lists.
    • Methods Courses
      • ANTH-E 302
      • INTL-I 315 Research Design in International Studies
      • INTL-I 431 Statistics for International Studies
      • INTL-I 432 Models of Social and Political Processes
      • POLS-Y 395 Quantitative Political Analysis
      • POLS-Y 405 Models and Theories of Political Decision Making
      • SOC-S 370 Research Methods in Sociology
    • Russian or East European Language Courses
      • CEUS-T 303 Advanced Estonian I
      • CEUS-T 304 Advanced Estonian II
      • CEUS-T 341 Advanced Hungarian I
      • CEUS-T 342 Advanced Hungarian II
      • SLAV-C 301
      • SLAV-C 302
      • SLAV-N 341 Summer Intensive Advanced Intermediate Russian I
      • SLAV-N 351 Summer Intensive Advanced Intermediate Russian I
      • SLAV-N 352 Summer Intensive Advanced Intermediate Russian II
      • SLAV-N 362 Summer Intensive Advanced Intermediate Russian II
      • SLAV-N 461 Summer Intensive Advanced Russian I
      • SLAV-N 471 Summer Intensive Advanced Russian I
      • SLAV-N 472 Summer Intensive Advanced Russian II
      • SLAV-N 481 Fifth-Year Russian I
      • SLAV-N 482 Fifth-Year Russian II
      • SLAV-N 491 Sixth-Year Russian I
      • SLAV-N 492 Sixth-Year Russian II
      • SLAV-P 301
      • SLAV-P 302
      • SLAV-P 473 Fourth-Year Polish I
      • SLAV-P 474 Fourth-Year Polish II
      • SLAV-R 301 Advanced Intermediate Russian I
      • SLAV-R 302 Advanced Intermediate Russian II
      • SLAV-R 325 Advanced Intermediate Oral Russian I
      • SLAV-R 326 Advanced Intermediate Oral Russian II
      • SLAV-R 401 Advanced Russian I
      • SLAV-R 402 Advanced Russian II
      • SLAV-R 421 Fifth-Year Russian
      • SLAV-R 422 Fifth-year Russian II
      • SLAV-R 425 Advanced Oral Russian I
      • SLAV-R 426 Advanced Oral Russian II
      • SLAV-R 470 Political Russian
      • SLAV-R 472
      • SLAV-S 301
      • SLAV-S 302
      • SLAV-S 401
      • SLAV-S 402
      • SLAV-U 111 Summer Intensive Elementary Ukrainian I
      • SLAV-U 322 Advanced Ukrainian II
    • REEI Capstone or Upper-Level Writing Course
      • Up to three (3) credits from the following:
        • CEUS-R 491 Capstone Seminar in Central Eurasian Studies
        • INTL-I 400 International Studies Capstone Seminar
    • Professional Experience Courses
      • Up to three (3) credits from the following:
        • ANTH-X 476 Museum Practicum
        • ANTH-X 478 Practicum in Anthropology
        • ARTH-X 376 Professional Practice in the History of Art
        • CLLC-X 273 Collins Internship in Student Self-Governance and Management
        • ECON-X 373 Internship in Economics
        • EURO-X 373 Internship in European Studies
        • FOLK-X 476 Museum Practicum in Folklore
        • GNDR-X 474 Internship in Gender Studies
        • GNDR-X 476 Practicum in Gender Studies
        • HIST-X 376 Practicum in History
        • HIST-X 473 Internship for History Majors
        • INTL-I 426 Advanced Topics in International Studies
        • INTL-X 370 Topics with Service Learning in International Studies
        • JSTU-X 473 Internship in Jewish Studies
        • MSCH-X 472 Media Internship
        • MSCH-X 474 Journalism Internship
        • MSCH-X 490 Projects in Media
        • POLS-X 276 Political Science Practicum I
        • POLS-X 376 Political Science Practicum II
        • POLS-X 471 Undergraduate Teaching Assistantship
        • POLS-X 476 Political Science Practicum III
        • POLS-X 477 Field Experience in Political Science
        • POLS-Y 496 Foreign Study in Political Science
        • REL-X 370 Service Learning in Religious Studies
        • SGIS-X 373 Internship in Global and International Studies
        • SOC-X 373 Internship in Professional Practice
        • SOC-X 477 Field Experience in Sociology
        • SOC-X 498 Sociological Research I
        • SOC-X 499 Sociological Research II
    • Career Preparation Course
      • Up to three (3) credits from the following:
        • ASCS-Q 275 Professional Portfolio Development
        • ASCS-Q 294 College to Career I: Explore Your Options
        • ASCS-Q 295 Design Your Life and Career
        • ASCS-Q 296 College to Career II: Navigate Your Arts and Sciences Experience
        • ASCS-Q 299 Build Your Job and Internship Search Toolkit
        • ECON-E 298 Careers in Economics
        • POLS-X 299 Careers for Political Science Students
  4. Additional Requirement*.
    1. Russian or East European Language Requirement. Complete coursework or show proficiency in one of the following languages through the second semester of the second year:
      • Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
      • Czech
      • Estonian
      • Hungarian
      • Polish
      • Russian
      • Ukrainian
      • Other language for the Russian/East European area with approval of the program
  5. Certificate GPA, Hours, and Minimum Grade Requirements.
    1. Certificate GPA. A GPA of at least 2.000 for all courses taken in the certificate—including those where a grade lower than C- is earned—is required.
    2. Certificate Minimum Grade. Except for the GPA requirement, a grade of C- or higher is required for a course to count toward a requirement in the certificate.
    3. Certificate Upper Division Credit Hours. At least 9 credit hours in the certificate must be completed at the 300–499 level.
    4. Certificate Residency. At least 9 credit hours in the certificate must be completed in courses taken through the Indiana University Bloomington campus or an IU-administered or IU co-sponsored Overseas Study program.

Certificate Area Courses
  • Unless otherwise noted below, the following courses are considered in the academic program and will count toward academic program requirements as appropriate:

    • Any course contained on the course lists for the academic program requirements at the time the course is taken—as well as any other courses that are deemed functionally equivalent—except for those listed only under Addenda Requirements
    • Any course directed to a non-Addenda requirement through an approved exception

This program of study cannot be combined with the following:

  • Minor in Polish Studies (POLISTMIN)
  • Minor in Russian and East European Studies (REESTMIN)
  • Minor in Russian and East European Studies with Language Certification (REELNGMIN)

Exceptions to and substitutions for certificate requirements may be made with the approval of the unit's Director of Undergraduate Studies, subject to final approval by the College of Arts and Sciences.