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Department of History

Departmental Honors

Students on Summer 2018, Fall 2018, or Spring 2019 requirements HIST-HON


Students who are admitted to the Departmental Honors program in History complete the Honors seminar (HIST-K 392) in place of Capstone Requirement (HIST-J 400 and HIST-J 425). Honors students also complete a two-semester honors thesis with oral defense (HIST-K 499, 6 cr.) or a one-semester honors paper (HIST-K 498, 3 cr.). To graduate with honors, a student must earn a minimum A- in K 392 and the thesis or paper, complete a minimum of 33 credits in History with a 3.500 Major GPA, and have a minimum 3.300 College GPA.

College of Arts and Sciences Requirements

  • Students must have a College GPA of 3.300 or higher to qualify for admission to a Departmental Honors program and to receive Departmental Honors. Units may set a higher College GPA.
  • Units establish additional criteria, including admissions procedures, academic performance standards, and whether there are required courses, papers, or projects.
  • Students who wish to earn honors in two different units must complete a distinct body of work for each honors notation.