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Borns Jewish Studies Program

Departmental Honors

Students on Summer 2019, Fall 2019, or Spring 2020 requirements JSTU-HON


    1. Honors Program Courses. In addition to completing the requirements for the Jewish Studies major, honors students must successfully complete the following courses with a grade of A- or higher:
      • JSTU-H 399 Readings for Honors in Jewish Studies
      • JSTU-H 499 Honors Thesis
    2. GPA Requirements.
      • College GPA of 3.300 or higher
      • Major GPA of 3.500 or higher
    3. Additional Notes.
      • A thesis director of the student's choice (from the Jewish Studies faculty) will serve as mentor while the student is enrolled in the Honors Program courses. Students must fill out the appropriate honors thesis contract and obtain the thesis director's signature as well as the approval of the honors advisor before registering for an Honors Program courses.
      • JSTU-H 399 is typically taken no later than the next-to-last semester before graduation. Under the close direction of the thesis director, the honors candidate completes preliminary reading and research and a 2–3 page thesis prospectus and bibliography.
      • Most commonly in the final semester before graduation, the student enrolls in JSTU-H 499 and completes a 25–50 page thesis, representing a significant proportion of original research. The thesis is defended before a committee made up of the thesis director and two other faculty members of the student's choosing (in consultation with the thesis director).
  1. GPA, Hours, and Minimum Grade Requirements.
    1. Students must have a College GPA of 3.300 or higher to qualify for admission to a Departmental Honors program and to receive Departmental Honors. Units may set a higher College GPA.
    2. Units establish additional criteria, including admissions procedures, academic performance standards, and whether there are required courses, papers, or projects.
    3. Students who wish to earn honors in two different units must complete a distinct body of work for each honors notation.