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Academic Standing

Policy statement

Academic standing is determined after the conclusion of each academic term (fall, spring, and summer) for all students in degree-seeking status who are pursuing an undergraduate degree in the College of Arts and Sciences. Academic standing factors in all coursework completed at Indiana University consistent with Indiana University, campus, and College policies, including the College’s Grade Point Averages (GPAs) policy.

  1. Good Academic Standing
    1. Students are in Good Academic Standing when:
      • their term grade point average is at least 2.000; and
      • their cumulative grade point average and major grade point average are at least 2.000; and
      • they are making adequate progress toward their major and degree requirements in the assessment of the Office of Retention and Student Success.
    2. Students in Good Academic Standing are eligible for consideration of inclusion on the Executive Dean’s List and may enjoy other privileges.
  2. Academic Watch
    1. Students are on Academic Watch when:
      • their term grade point average is below 2.000, but above 0.000; or
      • their major grade point average is below 2.000.
    2. Students on Academic Watch must meet with an academic advisor and must comply with any restrictions the Office of Undergraduate Retention and Student Success deems necessary. 
    3. Students who qualify for both Academic Watch and Academic Alert will be on Academic Alert.
    4. Academic Watch appears on the advising record, not on the official transcript.
  3. Academic Alert
    1. Students are on Academic Alert when:
      • their cumulative grade point average is below 2.000; or
      • they were on Academic Watch or Academic Alert for their previous term of enrollment and fail to return to Good Academic Standing; or
      • there are significant concerns about the student’s ability to complete major or degree requirements in the assessment of the Office of Undergraduate Retention and Student Success.
    2. Students on Academic Alert must meet with a member of the Office of Undergraduate Retention and Student Success and must comply with any restrictions that office deems necessary.
    3. Academic Alert appears on the advising record, not on the official transcript.
  4. Academic Dismissal
    1. Students are dismissed when in the assessment of the Office of Undergraduate Retention and Student Success they fail to make adequate progress toward their degree.
    2. Students are automatically dismissed when:
      • their academic standing for their previous term of enrollment is Academic Alert; and
      • their term grade point average is below 2.000; and
      • their cumulative grade point average is below 2.000.
    3. Regardless of prior academic standing, students may be dismissed if, in the assessment of the Office of Undergraduate Retention and Student Success, their academic record reveals a failure to make adequate progress toward completion of a College of Arts and Sciences degree program in which they are enrolled.
    4. All enrollment at IU Bloomington for future terms will be cancelled once a student is academically dismissed.
    5. Academic Dismissal appears on the advising record, not on the official transcript.
    6. Students dismissed from the College of Arts and Sciences may also be dismissed from IU Bloomington by the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education.
  5. Academic Reinstatement
    1. Students who have been academically dismissed from the College of Arts and Sciences may seek reinstatement. Students may contact the Student Records and Services division of the Office of Undergraduate Curriculum, Policy, and Records for information concerning their eligibility to petition. To be considered for reinstatement for a specific term, eligible students must submit petitions by the deadline established by the Office of Undergraduate Retention and Student Success.
    2. Students who are dismissed from IU Bloomington must first seek reinstatement from the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education.
  6. Grade Changes
    1. Grade changes may alter students’ academic standing. Students who wish to have their academic record reviewed in light of grade changes should contact the Office of Undergraduate Retention and Student Success.
    2. Grades changes that are the result of the completion of Incomplete courses or the application of the Extended-X policy do not result in changes in academic standing.

  • 2024-05-01: This policy replaces COLL-UG 1028, COLL-UG 1029, COLL-UG 1030, and COLL-UG 1031.

About this policy

Policy ID:

Academic Standing

Version Date: