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Animal Behavior Program

Minor in Integrative Study of Animal Behavior

Students on Summer 2018, Fall 2018, or Spring 2019 requirements ANBEHMIN


The minor requires at least 17 credit hours*, including the requirements listed below.
  1. Introductory courses. Two (2) introductory courses, choosing one (1) course from two (2) of the following departments (2 courses total):
    • Anthropology courses
      • ANTH-B 111 Introduction to Chimpanzee Behavior and Cognition
      • ANTH-B 200 Bioanthropology
      • ANTH-E 200 Social and Cultural Anthropology
      • ANTH-L 200 Language and Culture
      • ANTH-P 200 Introduction to Archaeology
    • Biology courses
      • BIOL-E 111 Basic Biology by Examination I
      • BIOL-E 112 Basic Biology by Examination II
      • BIOL-H 111 Integrated Freshman Learning Experience I
      • BIOL-L 111 Foundations of Biology: Diversity, Evolution, and Ecology
      • BIOL-L 112 Foundations of Biology: Biological Mechanisms
    • Psychological and Brain Sciences courses
      • PSY-P 101 Introductory Psychology I
      • PSY-P 102 Introductory Psychology II
      • PSY-P 155 Introduction to Psychological and Brain Sciences
  2. Animal Behavior. One (1) course:
    • BIOL-Z 460 Animal Behavior
  3. Perspectives in Animal Behavior. One (1) course from two (2) of the following categories, representing core perspectives for studying animal behavior (2 courses total):
    • Evolutionary/Ecological Perspective courses
      • ABEH-A 301 Animal Conservation Science
      • ABEH-A 401 Topical Issues in Animal Behavior (Approved topics: "SPECIAL TOPICS IN AVIAN CONSERVATION" (TPC 5))
      • ANTH-B 368 The Evolution of Primate Social Behavior
      • ANTH-B 400 Undergraduate Seminar (Approved topics: "CHIMP BEHV:LEGACY JANE GOODALL" (TPC 12))
      • ANTH-B 466 The Primates
      • BIOL-L 307
      • BIOL-L 318 Evolution
      • BIOL-L 369 Heredity, Evolution, and Society
      • BIOL-L 423 Brain, Behavior and Evolution
      • BIOL-L 473 Ecology
      • BIOL-S 318 Evolution, Honors
      • BIOL-Z 374
      • BIOL-Z 476 Biology of Fishes
      • EAS-E 341
      • EAS-X 377 Field Geology and Paleoanthropology at Olduvai Gorge
      • GEOG-G 307 Biogeography: The Distribution of Life
    • Environmental/Developmental/Cognitive Perspective courses
      • ANTH-A 200 Topics in Anthropology of Culture and Society (Approved topics: "INTRO TO THE CHIMP: MIND, BEHAVIOR, & SOCIETY" (TPC 334))
      • ANTH-B 200 Bioanthropology
      • ANTH-B 400 Undergraduate Seminar (Approved topics: "EVOLUTION OF HUMAN COGNITION" (TPC 38))
      • ANTH-E 200 Social and Cultural Anthropology
      • ANTH-L 200 Language and Culture
      • BIOL-L 417
      • COGS-Q 240 Philosophical Foundations of the Cognitive and Information Sciences
      • COGS-Q 301 Brain and Cognition
      • COGS-Q 345 Animal Cognition
      • LING-L 214 Animal Communication
      • PHIL-P 360 Philosophy of Mind
      • PSY-P 325 Psychology of Learning
      • PSY-P 327 Psychology of Motivation
      • PSY-P 329 Sensation and Perception
      • PSY-P 330 Perception/Action
      • PSY-P 335 Cognitive Psychology
      • PSY-P 416 Evolution and Ecology of Learning
      • PSY-P 444
    • Mechanisms of Behavior Perspective courses
      • ABEH-A 401 Topical Issues in Animal Behavior (Approved topics: "BEHAVIORAL GENETICS AND EPIGENETICS" (TPC 3); "SENSORY ECOLOGY" (TPC 7); "SENSORY ECOLOGY" (TPC 2); "THE SOCIAL BRAIN" (TPC 4))
      • ANTH-B 333 Chimpanzee Biology: Anatomy, Evolution, Ecology, and Physiology
      • BIOL-L 311 Genetics
      • BIOL-L 410 Topical Issues in Biology (Approved topics: "GENETICS OF BEHAVIOR" (TPC 15))
      • BIOL-L 453 Sensory Ecology
      • BIOL-Z 462 Genetics of Behavior
      • ANTH-B 340 Hormones and Human Behavior
      • BIOL-L 340 Biology of Sexual Diversity
      • BIOL-L 423 Brain, Behavior and Evolution
      • BIOL-Z 463 Comparative Neurobiology of Animal Behavior
      • BIOL-Z 466 Endocrinology
      • One of the following:
        • PSY-P 326 Behavioral Neuroscience
        • PSY-P 346 Neuroscience
      • PSY-P 407 Drugs and the Nervous System
      • PSY-P 409 Neural Bases of Sensory Function
      • PSY-P 410 Development of the Brain and Behavior
      • PSY-P 411 Neural Bases of Learning and Memory
      • PSY-P 456
      • PSY-P 457 Topics in Psychology (Approved topics: "NEUROBIOLOGY OF COGNITION" (TPC 168); "THE SOCIAL BRAIN" (TPC 136))
      • PSY-P 469 Stress Effects on Brain and Behavior
  4. Advanced Elective. One (1) course:
    • Additional course(s) at the 300-499 level from the Perspectives in Animal Behavior lists above
    • ABEH-A 401 Topical Issues in Animal Behavior
    • ABEH-X 473 Animal Behavior Internship
    • ANTH-B 301 Laboratory in Bioanthropology
    • ANTH-B 466 The Primates
    • ANTH-P 425 Faunal Osteology
    • ANTH-P 426 Problems in Zooarchaeology
    • BIOL-L 307
    • BIOL-L 376 Biology of Birds
    • BIOL-L 377 Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles
    • BIOL-L 417
    • BIOL-L 433 Tropical Biology
    • BIOL-L 465 Advanced Field Biology
    • BIOL-L 474 Field and Laboratory Ecology
    • BIOL-Z 373 Entomology
    • BIOL-Z 374
    • BIOL-Z 375 Invertebrate Zoology Laboratory
    • BIOL-Z 406 Vertebrate Zoology
    • BIOL-Z 476 Biology of Fishes
    • EAS-E 341
    • EAS-X 377 Field Geology and Paleoanthropology at Olduvai Gorge
    • PSY-P 315 Developmental Psychology
    • PSY-P 327 Psychology of Motivation
    • PSY-P 426 Laboratory in Behavioral Neuroscience
    • PSY-P 444
  5. Minor GPA, Hours, and Minimum Grade Requirements.
    1. At least 9 credit hours in the minor must be completed in courses taken through the Indiana University Bloomington campus or an IU-administered or IU co-sponsored Overseas Study program.
    2. At least 9 credit hours in the minor must be completed at the 300–499 level.
    3. Except for the GPA requirement, a grade of C- or higher is required for a course to count toward a requirement in the minor.
    4. A GPA of at least 2.000 for all courses taken in the minor—including those where a grade lower than C- is earned—is required.
    5. Exceptions to minor requirements may be made with the approval of the department's Director of Undergraduate Studies, subject to final approval by the College of Arts and Sciences.