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Department of Biology

Concentration in Integrative and Organismal Biology (Bachelor of Science in Biology)

Students on Summer 2019, Fall 2019, or Spring 2020 requirements INORGBICON


The concentration requires at least 18 credit hours, including the requirements listed below.
  1. Lecture Courses. Four (4) courses as indicated below, one of which must come from the Advanced Skills list.
    1. Physiological Systems Biology. Two (2) courses:
      • BIOL-B 371 Ecological Plant Physiology
      • BIOL-L 321 Human Immunology
      • BIOL-L 410 Topical Issues in Biology (Approval of the Director of Undergraduate Studies required)
      • BIOL-L 417
      • BIOL-L 423 Brain, Behavior and Evolution
      • BIOL-P 451 Integrative Human Physiology
      • BIOL-Z 462 Genetics of Behavior
      • BIOL-Z 463 Comparative Neurobiology of Animal Behavior
      • BIOL-Z 466 Endocrinology
      • PSY-P 466 Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology
    2. Organism-Level Biology Lecture. Two (2) courses:
      • BIOL-B 351 Fungi
      • BIOL-L 376 Biology of Birds
      • BIOL-L 410 Topical Issues in Biology (Approval of the Director of Undergraduate Studies required)
      • BIOL-L 453 Sensory Ecology
      • BIOL-M 460 Microbial Evolution
      • BIOL-Z 373 Entomology
      • BIOL-Z 374
      • BIOL-Z 406 Vertebrate Zoology
      • BIOL-Z 460 Animal Behavior
      • BIOL-Z 476 Biology of Fishes
      • ABEH-A 401 Topical Issues in Animal Behavior
    3. Advanced Skills. At least one of the four required lecture classes above must be an Advanced Skills course from the Advanced Skills List.
      • BIOL-B 371 Ecological Plant Physiology
      • BIOL-L 417
      • BIOL-L 423 Brain, Behavior and Evolution
      • BIOL-L 453 Sensory Ecology
      • BIOL-M 460 Microbial Evolution
      • BIOL-Z 460 Animal Behavior
      • BIOL-Z 462 Genetics of Behavior
      • BIOL-Z 463 Comparative Neurobiology of Animal Behavior
      • BIOL-Z 466 Endocrinology
  2. Laboratory Courses. Two (2) courses:
    • BIOL-B 300 Vascular Plants
    • BIOL-B 352 Fungi: Laboratory
    • BIOL-B 364 Summer Flowering Plants
    • BIOL-L 376 Biology of Birds
    • BIOL-L 410 Topical Issues in Biology (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
    • BIOL-L 433 Tropical Biology
    • BIOL-P 451 Integrative Human Physiology
    • BIOL-S 318 Evolution, Honors (up to 1 credit hour may count toward the Concentration Hours requirement)
    • BIOL-X 325 ASURE Biology Research Lab 2 approved topics only; requires approval of Director of Undergraduate Studies
    • BIOL-Z 373 Entomology
    • BIOL-Z 375 Invertebrate Zoology Laboratory
    • BIOL-Z 406 Vertebrate Zoology
    • BIOL-Z 469 Endocrinology Laboratory
    • ABEH-A 350 Animal Behavior Laboratory
    • PSY-P 473 Laboratory in Molecular Neuroscience
  3. Biology Concentration Residency. Both of the following:
    • Two (2) advanced (300-499 level) lecture courses in the concentration must be taken on the IU Bloomington campus
    • Two (2) advanced (300-499 level) lab courses in the concentration must be taken on the IU Bloomington campus
  4. Concentration GPA, Hours, and Minimum Grade Requirements.
    1. At least 9 credit hours in the concentration must be completed at the 300–499 level.
    2. Except for the GPA requirement, a grade of C- or higher is required for a course to count toward a requirement in the concentration.
    3. A GPA of at least 2.000 for all courses taken in the concentration—including those where a grade lower than C- is earned—is required.
    4. Exceptions to concentration requirements may be made with the approval of the department's Director of Undergraduate Studies, subject to final approval by the College of Arts and Sciences.