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Department of American Studies

Minor in Native American and Indigenous Studies

Students on Summer 2020, Fall 2020, or Spring 2021 requirements NAISMIN

The Minor in Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS) incorporates perspectives from American Studies, Anthropology, Folklore, History, Literature, Law, Political Science, Visual and Expressive Arts, and other areas of study. Students will learn a broad range of basic historical facts about the Native American and Indigenous peoples of the Americas, to think logically and analytically, to make critical observations, and to formulate interdisciplinary interpretations of the history, literature, art, music, law, politics, and culture of Native American and Indigenous peoples. They will gain new perspectives on globalization, sustainability, and cultural and environmental preservation. Elective courses should be selected in consultation with the NAIS advisor and the Chair of the Committee on NAIS, who will help the student develop a plan of study appropriate to his or her academic and career goals.


The minor requires at least 15 credit hours, including the requirements listed below.
  1. Introductory Course. One (1) course:
    • NAIS-A 150 Introduction to Native American and Indigenous Studies
  2. Intermediate Course. One (1) course:
    • AMST-A 275 Indigenous Worldviews in the Americas
  3. Advanced Electives. Three (3) courses:
    • ANTH-B 472 Bioanthropology of Aboriginal America
    • ANTH-E 319 Native American Religions
    • ANTH-E 320 Indigenous Populations of North America
    • ANTH-E 321 Peoples of Mexico
    • ANTH-E 322 Peoples of Brazil
    • ANTH-E 327 Native Amazonians and the Environment
    • ANTH-E 340 Indigenous Populations of Mexico and Central America
    • ANTH-E 422 Native American and Indigenous Media
    • ANTH-L 320 Native American Languages
    • ANTH-P 330 Historical Archaeology
    • ANTH-P 350 Archaeology of Mexico
    • ANTH-P 361 Archaeology of the Midwestern United States
    • ANTH-P 363 North American Prehistory through Fiction
    • ANTH-P 370 Archaeology of the Andes
    • ANTH-X 480 Fieldwork in Archaeology
    • ARTH-A 350 Topics in African, Oceanic, and Pre-Columbian American Art
    • ARTH-A 351 Art of the South Pacific
    • ARTH-A 452 Art of Pre-Columbian America
    • ENG-L 364 Native American Literature
    • FOLK-F 315 Latin American Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music
    • FOLK-F 352 Native American Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music
    • FOLK-F 353 Native American Film and Video
    • HIST-A 300 Issues in United States History (Approved topics: "NATIVE AMERICAN WOMEN" (TPC 69))
    • HIST-J 300 Seminar In History (Approved topics: "NATIVES AND NEWCOMERS IN EARLY AMERICA" (TPC 94))
    • POLS-X 490 Undergraduate Readings in Political Science (approved topics only; see academic advisor)
    • POLS-Y 337 Latin American Politics
    • Up to two (2) of the following:
      • ANTH-L 310 Elementary Lakota (Sioux) Language I
      • ANTH-L 311 Elementary Lakota (Sioux) Language II
      • ANTH-L 312 Intermediate Lakota (Sioux) Language I
      • ANTH-L 313 Intermediate Lakota (Sioux) Language II
  4. Minor GPA, Hours, and Minimum Grade Requirements.
    1. Minor GPA. A GPA of at least 2.000 for all courses taken in the minor—including those where a grade lower than C- is earned—is required.
    2. Minor Minimum Grade. Except for the GPA requirement, a grade of C- or higher is required for a course to count toward a requirement in the minor.
    3. Minor Upper Division Credit Hours. At least 9 credit hours in the minor must be completed at the 300–499 level.
    4. Minor Residency. At least 9 credit hours in the minor must be completed in courses taken through the Indiana University Bloomington campus or an IU-administered or IU co-sponsored Overseas Study program.

Minor Area Courses
  • Unless otherwise noted below, the following courses are considered in the academic program and will count toward academic program requirements as appropriate:

    • Any course contained on the course lists for the academic program requirements at the time the course is taken—as well as any other courses that are deemed functionally equivalent—except for those listed only under Addenda Requirements
    • Any course directed to a non-Addenda requirement through an approved exception

This program of study cannot be combined with the following:

  • Bachelor of Arts in American Studies (AMSTBA)
  • Minor in American Studies (AMSTMIN)
  • Minor in the American Experience (AMEXPMIN)

Exceptions to and substitutions for minor requirements may be made with the approval of the unit's Director of Undergraduate Studies, subject to final approval by the College of Arts and Sciences.