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Department of French and Italian

Bachelor of Arts in French

Students on Summer 2018, Fall 2018, or Spring 2019 requirements FRENBA
The Bachelor of Arts in French provides comprehensive training in reading, writing, listening, and speaking in French—one of the fastest-growing languages in the world—as well as exploring the literature and culture of France and the French-speaking world. After the basic language sequence, students take courses from a wide range of offerings in French and Francophone literature, civilization, cinema, media studies, contemporary culture, advanced grammar and writing practice, and French linguistics. For students with an interest in international business, the Department offers a course in Business French.

A major in French can open doors to many different careers. In addition to language proficiency, French majors acquire advanced skills in general communication, analytical reasoning, and multicultural understanding, among others, that are highly valuable in a variety of professions.


The major requires at least 30 credit hours* (at least 27 of which must be in taught in French), including the requirements listed below.
  1. Introductory course. One (1) course:
    • FRIT-F 300 French and Francophone Studies: Introduction
    • FRIT-S 300 French and Francophone Studies: Introduction-Honors
  2. Advanced Grammar. One (1) course:
    • FRIT-F 313 Advanced Grammar
  3. French/Francophone Literature and Culture.
    1. One (1) course:
      • FRIT-F 305 Stage and Page
      • FRIT-F 306 Fiction and Poetry
      • FRIT-F 361 La France médiévale (jusqu\'à 1500)
      • FRIT-F 362 Renaissance et Révolution
      • FRIT-F 363 La France Post-Révolutionnaire
      • FRIT-F 364 La France Actuelle
      • FRIT-F 375 Thèmes et perspectives littéraires et culturels
    2. One (1) additional course from the French/Francophone Literature and Culture list.
      • Courses taught in French
        • FRIT-F 305 Stage and Page
        • FRIT-F 306 Fiction and Poetry
        • FRIT-F 361 La France médiévale (jusqu\'à 1500)
        • FRIT-F 362 Renaissance et Révolution
        • FRIT-F 363 La France Post-Révolutionnaire
        • FRIT-F 364 La France Actuelle
        • FRIT-F 375 Thèmes et perspectives littéraires et culturels
      • Courses taught in English
        • FRIT-F 222 Media Studies in the Francophone World
        • FRIT-F 225 French Culture: Topics
        • FRIT-F 226 French Society: Topics
        • FRIT-F 227 French Style: Topics
        • FRIT-F 310 Francophone Culture: Topics
        • FRIT-F 311 French/Francophone Studies Through Film
  4. Additional Requirements.
    1. Advanced Courses Taught in French. 11 credit hours:
      • FRIT-F 401 Structure and Development of French
      • FRIT-F 402 Introduction to French Linguistics
      • FRIT-F 410 French Literature of the Middle Ages
      • FRIT-F 413 French Renaissance
      • FRIT-F 423 Seventeenth-Century French Literature
      • FRIT-F 424 Ideas and Culture in Seventeenth-Century France
      • FRIT-F 435 Enlightenment Narrative
      • FRIT-F 436 Voltaire, Diderot, and Rousseau
      • FRIT-F 443 Nineteenth-Century Novel
      • FRIT-F 445 Nineteenth-Century Drama
      • FRIT-F 446 Nineteenth-Century Poetry
      • FRIT-F 450 Culture and Society in French Studies
      • FRIT-F 451 Literature and the Arts in French Studies
      • FRIT-F 455 Le Roman au 20e siècle
      • FRIT-F 456 La Poésie au 20e siècle
      • FRIT-F 459 Le Théâtre au 20e siècle
      • FRIT-F 460 La francophonie nord-américaine
      • FRIT-F 461 Cinéma et Culture: La France/la Francophonie contemporaine
      • FRIT-F 463 Civilisation française
      • FRIT-F 467 French Beyond the Hexagon
      • FRIT-F 474 Thème et version
      • FRIT-F 475 Le Français oral: cours avancé
      • One (1) of the following:
        • FRIT-F 499 Reading for Honors (maximum of 3 credit hours can apply toward the requirement)
        • FRIT-X 490 Individual Readings in French (maximum of 2 credit hours can apply toward the requirement)
    2. 400-Level Residency. Six (6) credit hours of the above must be taken on the Indiana University Bloomington campus. (FRIT-F 499 and FRIT-X 490 cannot count toward this requirement.)
  5. Electives. Additional credit hours, as needed to fulfill remaining requirements for the major, selected from the French Electives list.
    • Additional courses from the lists above
    • Courses Taught in French
      • FRIT-F 200 Second-Year French I: Language and Culture
      • FRIT-F 250 Second-Year French II: Language and Culture
      • FRIT-F 265 Accelerated Second-Year French
      • FRIT-F 296 Foreign Study in France
      • FRIT-F 314 Creative and Critical Writing in French
      • FRIT-F 315 The Sounds and Rhythms of French
      • FRIT-F 316 Conversational Practice
      • FRIT-F 317 French in the Business World
      • FRIT-F 396 Foreign Study in French
      • Courses Taught in English
        • FRIT-F 230 French and Francophone Culture in Context: Short-Term Study Abroad
  6. Major GPA, Hours, and Minimum Grade Requirements.
    1. At least 18 credit hours in the major must be completed in courses taken through the Indiana University Bloomington campus or an IU-administered or IU co-sponsored Overseas Study program.
    2. At least 18 credit hours in the major must be completed at the 300–499 level.
    3. Except for the GPA requirement, a grade of C- or higher is required for a course to count toward a requirement in the major.
    4. A GPA of at least 2.000 for all courses taken in the major—including those where a grade lower than C- is earned—is required.
    5. Exceptions to major requirements may be made with the approval of the department's Director of Undergraduate Studies, subject to final approval by the College of Arts and Sciences.