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Molecular Life Sciences Program

Bachelor of Science in Molecular Life Sciences

Students on Summer 2019, Fall 2019, or Spring 2020 requirements MLSBS

The B.S. in Molecular Life Sciences (MLS) is designed for students interested in pursuing a life sciences degree curriculum that is highly focused on cellular and molecular mechanisms. Advanced courses will provide an emphasis on how alterations in cellular processes may lead to disease states. It is ideal for students planning to continue their education beyond a bachelor's degree either in the pursuit of an advanced M.S. or Ph.D. degree in the life sciences or professional degrees in medicine, veterinary sciences or dentistry. Students with a B.S. in MLS will have also have the background necessary to pursue careers in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.


The major requires at least 46 credit hours (62 with the Addenda requirements, including the requirements listed below. Total credit hours needed varies based on the concentration chosen.), including the requirements listed below.
  1. Chemistry Requirements. All of the following:
    1. Principles of Chemistry Lecture. One (1) course:
      • CHEM-C 117 Principles of Chemistry and Biochemistry I
      • CHEM-H 117 Principles of Chemistry and Biochemistry I, Honors
      • CHEM-J 117 Principles of Chemistry and Biochemistry for Science Majors
    2. Principles of Chemistry Laboratory. One (1) course:
      • CHEM-C 127 Principles of Chemistry and Biochemistry I Laboratory
      • CHEM-H 127 Principles of Chemistry and Biochemistry I Laboratory, Honors
      • CHEM-X 150 ASURE Chemistry Research Lab I
    3. Organic Chemistry I Lecture. One (1) course:
      • CHEM-C 341 Organic Chemistry I Lectures
      • CHEM-H 341 Organic Chemistry I Lectures, Honors
      • CHEM-J 341 Principles of Organic Chemistry I
    4. Organic Chemistry II Lecture. One (1) course:
      • CHEM-C 342 Organic Chemistry II Lectures
      • CHEM-H 342 Organic Chemistry II Lectures, Honors
      • CHEM-J 342 Principles of Organic Chemistry II
    5. Organic Chemistry I Laboratory. One (1) course:
      • CHEM-C 343 Organic Chemistry I Laboratory
      • CHEM-J 343 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I for Majors
      • CHEM-X 325 ASURE Chemistry Research Lab II
    6. Biological Chemistry. One (1) course:
      • CHEM-C 383 Human Biochemistry
      • CHEM-C 483 Biological Chemistry
      • CHEM-C 484 Biomolecules and Catabolism
  2. Biology Requirements. All of the following:
    1. Foundations of Biology. One (1) course:
      • BIOL-E 112 Basic Biology by Examination II
      • BIOL-L 112 Foundations of Biology: Biological Mechanisms
    2. Molecular Biology Lecture. One (1) course:
      • BIOL-L 211 Molecular Biology
      • BIOL-S 211 Molecular Biology, Honors
    3. Molecular Biology Laboratory. One (1) course:
      • BIOL-L 323 Molecular Biology Laboratory
      • BIOL-L 324 Human Molecular Biology Laboratory
      • BIOL-S 211 Molecular Biology, Honors
      • BIOL-X 325 ASURE Biology Research Lab 2 (Approved topics: "GENOME ENGINEERING" (TPC 1))
      • BIOT-T 315 Biotechnology Laboratory
      • BIOT-X 325 ASURE Biotechnology Research Lab 2
      • CHEM-X 325 ASURE Chemistry Research Lab II
      • Both of the following:
        • CHEM-A 314 Biological and Environmental Chemical Analysis
        • CHEM-A 316 Bioanalytical Chemistry Laboratory
    4. Cell Biology. One (1) course:
      • BIOL-L 312 Cell Biology
  3. MLS Core.
    1. Genome Duplication and Maintenance. One (1) course:
      • MLS-M 420 Genome Duplication and Maintenance
    2. Advanced Gene Regulation. One (1) course:
      • MLS-M 430 Advanced Gene Regulation: Transcription, Epigenetics, and Human Disease
  4. Concentration.
    • One (1) of the MLS Concentrations below.
  5. Addenda Requirements*. All of the following:
    1. Mathematics. One (1) course:
      • MATH-M 120 Brief Survey of Calculus II
      • MATH-M 211 Calculus I
      • MATH-M 212 Calculus II
      • MATH-S 211
      • MATH-S 212 Honors Calculus II
    2. Statistics. One (1) course:
      • ANTH-A 306 Anthropological Statistics
      • ECON-E 370 Statistical Analysis for Business and Economics
      • ECON-S 370 Statistical Analysis for Business and Economics: Honors
      • POLS-Y 395 Quantitative Political Analysis
      • PSY-K 300 Statistical Techniques
      • PSY-K 310 Statistical Techniques
      • SOC-S 371 Statistics in Sociology
      • STAT-K 310 Statistical Techniques
      • STAT-S 300 Introduction to Applied Statistical Methods
      • STAT-S 301 Applied Statistical Methods for Business
      • STAT-S 303 Applied Statistical Methods for the Life Sciences
    3. Physics.
      • Physics I. One (1) course:
        • PHYS-P 201 General Physics I
        • PHYS-P 221 Physics I
        • PHYS-H 221 Honors Physics I
      • Physics II. One (1) course:
        • PHYS-P 202 General Physics II
        • PHYS-P 222 Physics II
        • PHYS-H 222 Honors Physics II
  6. Major GPA, Hours, and Minimum Grade Requirements.
    1. At least 18 credit hours in the major must be completed in courses taken through the Indiana University Bloomington campus or an IU-administered or IU co-sponsored Overseas Study program.
    2. At least 18 credit hours in the major must be completed at the 300–499 level.
    3. Except for the GPA requirement, a grade of C- or higher is required for a course to count toward a requirement in the major.
    4. A GPA of at least 2.000 for all courses taken in the major—including those where a grade lower than C- is earned—is required.
    5. Exceptions to major requirements may be made with the approval of the department's Director of Undergraduate Studies, subject to final approval by the College of Arts and Sciences.