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Department of Linguistics

Bachelor of Science in Computational Linguistics

Students on Summer 2019, Fall 2019, or Spring 2020 requirements COMPLINGBS
The Bachelor of Science in Computational Linguistics studies how language works in order to determine how a computer can understand and work with language. Typical applications include machine translation, automatic summarization of texts, and intelligent computer-assisted language learning. The major includes foundational courses from linguistics, computer science and computational linguistics. Potential employers include large technology companies, start-ups, and universities and research institutes.


The major requires at least 45 credit hours (57 credit hours with the Outside Focal Area), including the requirements listed below.
  1. Math and Logic Foundation.
    1. Mathematics. One (1) course:
      • MATH-M 212 Calculus II
      • MATH-S 212 Honors Calculus II
    2. Statistics. One (1) course:
      • MATH-M 365 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
      • STAT-S 350 Introduction to Statistical Inference
    3. Logic. One (1) course:
      • COGS-Q 350 Mathematics and Logic for the Cognitive and Information Sciences
      • PHIL-P 250 Introductory Symbolic Logic
  2. Core.
    1. Linguistics.
      1. Introduction to Linguistic Analysis. One (1) course:
        • LING-L 103 Introduction to the Study of Language
        • LING-L 203 Introduction to Linguistic Analysis
      2. Phonetics. One (1) course:
        • LING-L 306 Phonetics
      3. Phonology. One (1) course:
        • LING-L 307 Phonology
      4. Syntax. One (1) course:
        • LING-L 310 Syntax
    2. Computational.
      1. Language and Computers. One (1) course:
        • LING-L 245 Language and Computers
      2. Corpus Linguistics. One (1) course:
        • LING-L 415 Corpus Linguistics
      3. Foundational Skills in Computational Linguistics. One (1) course:
        • LING-L 435 Foundational Skills in Computational Linguistics
      4. Introduction to Computational Linguistics. One (1) course:
        • LING-L 445 The Computer and Natural Language
    3. Computer Science.
      1. Introduction to Computer Science. One (1) course:
        • CSCI-C 200 Introduction to Computers and Programming
        • CSCI-C 211 Introduction to Computer Science
        • CSCI-H 211 Introduction to Computer Science-Honors
      2. Introduction to Software Systems. One (1) course:
        • CSCI-C 212 Introduction to Software Systems
        • CSCI-H 212 Introduction to Software Systems, Honors
  3. Electives. Two (2) courses:
    • LING-L 308 Morphology
    • LING-L 315 Introduction to Sociolinguistics
    • LING-L 325 Semantics
    • COGS-Q 351 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Computer Simulation
    • CSCI-A 290 Tools for Computing
    • CSCI-C 241 Discrete Structures for Computer Science
    • CSCI-C 343 Data Structures
  4. Outside Focal Area. The outside focal area must consist of 12 credit hours at any level taken in one department. The following disciplines are appropriate for an outside concentration: cognitive science, computer science, informatics, mathematics, psychology, or a foreign language (must be different from the language used to fulfill the World Language and Culture Requirement). Alternatively, students can fulfill the requirement by completing a minor in any of these departments.
  5. Major GPA, Hours, and Minimum Grade Requirements.
    1. At least 18 credit hours in the major must be completed in courses taken through the Indiana University Bloomington campus or an IU-administered or IU co-sponsored Overseas Study program.
    2. At least 18 credit hours in the major must be completed at the 300–499 level.
    3. Except for the GPA requirement, a grade of C- or higher is required for a course to count toward a requirement in the major.
    4. A GPA of at least 2.000 for all courses taken in the major—including those where a grade lower than C- is earned—is required.
    5. Exceptions to major requirements may be made with the approval of the department's Director of Undergraduate Studies, subject to final approval by the College of Arts and Sciences.