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Department of Spanish and Portuguese

Bachelor of Arts in Portuguese

Students on Summer 2023, Fall 2023, or Spring 2024 requirements PORTBA

The Bachelor of Arts in Portuguese offers students an in-depth encounter with the rich and diverse realm of Portuguese, Brazilian and Lusophone African literature and culture, while focusing on the study of the Portuguese language. Students can explore topics such as race, ethnicity, national cinemas, and women's writing. The study of language, literature, and culture gives special emphasis to issues of historical and political importance that cut across geographic boundaries in the Portuguese-speaking world.


The major requires at least 30 credit hours*, including the requirements listed below.
  1. Second-Year Portuguese I. One (1) course:
    • HISP-P 200 Second-Year Portuguese I
  2. Second-Year Portuguese II. One (1) course:
    • HISP-P 250 Second-Year Portuguese II
  3. Advanced Grammar and Composition in Portuguese. One (1) course:
    • HISP-P 311 Advanced Grammar and Composition in Portuguese
  4. Reading and Conversation in Portuguese. One (1) course:
    • HISP-P 317 Reading and Conversation in Portuguese
  5. Literature. Six (6) credit hours:
    • HISP-P 400 Literatures of the Portuguese-Speaking World I
    • HISP-P 401 Literatures of the Portuguese-Speaking World II
    • HISP-P 405 Literature and Film in Portuguese
    • HISP-P 415 Women Writing in Portuguese
    • HISP-P 467 Contemporary Portuguese Literature
    • HISP-P 470 Poetry in Portuguese
    • HISP-P 475 Theatre in Portuguese
    • HISP-P 476 Prose in Portuguese
    • HISP-P 495 Luso-Brazilian Colloquium
    • HISP-X 492 Individual Readings in Luso-Brazilian Literature
  6. 400–499 Level Requirement. Six (6) credit hours:
    • Any HISP-P 400–499
  7. Electives. Additional courses, as needed, to fulfill remaining requirements.
    • Any HISP-P 300–399
    • Any HISP-P 400–499
  8. Major GPA, Hours, and Minimum Grade Requirements.
    1. Major GPA. A GPA of at least 2.000 for all courses taken in the major—including those where a grade lower than C- is earned—is required.
    2. Major Minimum Grade. Except for the GPA requirement, a grade of C- or higher is required for a course to count toward a requirement in the major.
    3. Major Upper Division Credit Hours. At least 18 credit hours in the major must be completed at the 300–499 level.
    4. Major Residency. At least 18 credit hours in the major must be completed in courses taken through the Indiana University Bloomington campus or an IU-administered or IU co-sponsored Overseas Study program.
    5. College Breadth. At least 58 credit hours must be completed in courses from College of Arts and Sciences disciplines outside of the major area.

Major Area Courses
  • Unless otherwise noted below, the following courses are considered in the academic program and will count toward academic program requirements as appropriate:

    • Any course at the 100–499 level with the HISP subject area prefix—as well as any other subject areas that are deemed functionally equivalent
    • Any course contained on the course lists for the academic program requirements at the time the course is taken—as well as any other courses that are deemed functionally equivalent—except for those listed only under Addenda Requirements
    • Any course directed to a non-Addenda requirement through an approved exception

The following courses cannot be applied toward major requirements or the College Breadth requirement (unless otherwise noted) :

  • HISP-P 115 Portuguese for Doing Business in Brazil
  • HISP-P 491 Elem Port for Grad Students
  • HISP-P 492 Readin Port for Grad Students
  • The following courses cannot be applied toward major requirements, but will count toward the College Breadth requirement
    • Any HISP-C 100–499
    • HISP-P 100 Elementary Portuguese I *
    • HISP-P 135 Intensive Portuguese *
    • HISP-P 150 Elementary Portuguese II *
    • Any HISP-S 100–499

Courses marked with an asterisk (*) will count toward the College Breadth requirement.

This program of study cannot be combined with the following:

  • Minor in Portuguese (PORTMIN)

Exceptions to and substitutions for major requirements may be made with the approval of the unit's Director of Undergraduate Studies, subject to final approval by the College of Arts and Sciences.