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Department of African American and African Diaspora Studies

Bachelor of Arts in African American and African Diaspora Studies and English

Students on Summer 2024, Fall 2024, or Spring 2025 requirements AAADENGBA

The Interdepartmental Bachelor of Arts in African American and African Diaspora Studies and English enables students to study historical, cultural, and social connections among Africans, African Americans, and other New World Black communities. In pursuing this major, students study poetry, fiction, and prose—theory, philosophy, and political writings—while exploring the shifting significance of race.


The major requires at least 40 credit hours, including the requirements listed below.
  1. African American and African Diaspora Studies Courses.
    1. Introductory Course. One (1) course:
      • AAAD-A 150 Survey of the Culture of Black Americans
    2. African American History. One (1) course:
      • AAAD-A 355 African American History I
      • AAAD-A 356 African American History II
    3. African American Literature. One (1) course:
      • AAAD-A 379 Early Black American Writing
      • AAAD-A 380 Contemporary Black American Writing
    4. Electives. Three (3) courses:
      • AAAD-A 249 African American Autobiography
      • AAAD-A 283 Blacks in American Drama and Theatre, 1767-1945
      • AAAD-A 384 Blacks in American Drama and Theatre, 1945-Present
      • AAAD-A 479 Contemporary Black Poetry
      • AAAD-A 480 The Black Novel
      • AAAD-A 493 Senior Seminar in African American and African Diaspora Studies
    5. 300–499 Level AAAD Courses. 12 credit hours:
      • AAAD-A 355 African American History I
      • AAAD-A 356 African American History II
      • AAAD-A 379 Early Black American Writing
      • AAAD-A 380 Contemporary Black American Writing
      • AAAD-A 384 Blacks in American Drama and Theatre, 1945-Present
      • AAAD-A 479 Contemporary Black Poetry
      • AAAD-A 480 The Black Novel
      • AAAD-A 493 Senior Seminar in African American and African Diaspora Studies
  2. English Courses.
    1. Introductory Course. One (1) course:
      • ENG-L 260 Introduction to Advanced Study of Literature
    2. Introductory Genre Course. One (1) course:
      • ENG-L 203 Introduction to Drama (must be approved for CASE Intensive Writing)
      • ENG-L 204 Introduction to Fiction (must be approved for CASE Intensive Writing)
      • ENG-L 205 Introduction to Poetry (must be approved for CASE Intensive Writing)
      • ENG-L 206 Introduction to Prose (Excluding Fiction) (must be approved for CASE Intensive Writing)
    3. Literary History Courses. Three (3) courses:
      • ENG-L 310
      • ENG-L 312 Literary History 2: Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
      • ENG-L 316
    4. Critical Practices. One (1) course:
      • ENG-L 371 Critical Practices
  3. Major GPA, Hours, and Minimum Grade Requirements.
    1. Major GPA. A GPA of at least 2.000 for all courses taken in the major—including those where a grade lower than C- is earned—is required.
    2. Major Minimum Grade. Except for the GPA requirement, a grade of C- or higher is required for a course to count toward a requirement in the major.
    3. Major Upper Division Credit Hours. At least 18 credit hours in the major must be completed at the 300–499 level.
    4. Major Residency. At least 18 credit hours in the major must be completed in courses taken through the Indiana University Bloomington campus or an IU-administered or IU co-sponsored Overseas Study program.
    5. College Breadth. At least 38 credit hours must be completed in courses from College of Arts and Sciences disciplines outside of the major area.

Major Area Courses
  • Unless otherwise noted below, the following courses are considered in the academic program and will count toward academic program requirements as appropriate:

    • Any course at the 100–499 level with the AAAD or ENG subject area prefix—as well as any other subject areas that are deemed functionally equivalent
    • Any course contained on the course lists for the academic program requirements at the time the course is taken—as well as any other courses that are deemed functionally equivalent—except for those listed only under Addenda Requirements
    • Any course directed to a non-Addenda requirement through an approved exception

The following courses cannot be applied toward major requirements or the College Breadth requirement (unless otherwise noted) :

  • AAAD-A 141 Introduction to Writing and the Study of Black Literature
  • AAAD-A 142
  • ENG-W 170 Introduction to Argumentative Writing: Projects in Reading and Writing *
  • ENG-W 131 Reading, Writing, and Inquiry I *
  • ENG-W 202 English Grammar Review

Courses marked with an asterisk (*) will count toward the College Breadth requirement.


The following restrictions apply to the minimum credit hours required in the major:

  • No more than 3 combined credit hours of the following may count toward the major:
    • ENG-X 373 Professional Practice in English
    • ENG-X 471 Teaching Internship in English
    • ENG-X 473 Internship in English

This program of study cannot be combined with the following:

  • Bachelor of Arts in African American and African Diaspora Studies (AAADBA)
  • Bachelor of Arts in African American and African Diaspora Studies and History (AAADHISTBA)
  • Bachelor of Arts in African American and African Diaspora Studies and Religious Studies (AAADRELBA)
  • Bachelor of Arts in African American and African Diaspora Studies and Sociology (AAADSOCBA)
  • Bachelor of Arts in English (ENGBA)
  • Bachelor of Arts in English and African American and African Diaspora Studies (ENGAAADBA)
  • Bachelor of Arts in History and African American and African Diaspora Studies (HISTAAADBA)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies and African American and African Diaspora Studies (RELAAADBA)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and African American and African Diaspora Studies (SOCAAADBA)
  • Minor in African American and African Diaspora Studies (AAADSMIN)
  • Minor in Communication and Public Advocacy (COPUADVMIN)
  • Minor in Creative Writing (CRWRTMIN)
  • Minor in English (ENGMIN)

Exceptions to and substitutions for major requirements may be made with the approval of the unit's Director of Undergraduate Studies, subject to final approval by the College of Arts and Sciences.