Bachelor of Science in Physics
The Bachelor of Science in Physics provides focused training for students interested in graduate study, professional school, or bringing problem-solving and technical skills directly to industry, and includes possibilities for a formalized thesis or internship. Students develop a sound foundation in the study of matter and energy, including their nature and properties. Students learn theoretical and experimental approaches including Newtonian mechanics, oscillations and waves, bulk properties of matter, and thermodynamics. Upper-level courses provide rigorous understanding of advanced analytical mechanics, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, radiation science, and quantum mechanics. At all levels, physics also includes laboratory courses, and physics majors gain hands-on experience using advanced instruments and computing systems.
- Physics I. One (1) course:
- PHYS-H 221 Honors Physics I
- PHYS-P 221 Physics I
PHYS-H 221 Honors Physics I
- Credits
- 5
- Prerequisites
- Consent of department
- Notes
- P or C: MATH-M 211 or equivalent
- Description
- First semester of a calculus-based sequence in introductory physics, intended primarily for highly motivated and well prepared students. Covers the material of P221 and supplementary topics. Course fee required.
- Repeatability
- Credit given for only one of PHYS-H 221, PHYS-P 201, or PHYS-P 221.
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
PHYS-P 221 Physics I
- Credits
- 5
- Prerequisites
- None
- Corequisites
- MATH-M 211 or consent of instructor
- Notes
- First semester of a three-semester, calculus-based sequence intended for science majors. Three lectures, two discussion sections, and one 2-hour lab each week. Physics majors are encouraged to take PHYS-P 221 in the fall semester of the freshman year
- Description
- Newtonian mechanics, oscillations and waves, heat and thermodynamics.
- Repeatability
- Credit given for only one of PHYS-H 221, PHYS-P 201, or PHYS-P 221.
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
- Physics II. One (1) course:
- PHYS-H 222 Honors Physics II
- PHYS-P 222 Physics II
PHYS-H 222 Honors Physics II
- Credits
- 5
- Prerequisites
- PHYS-H 221; or PHYS-P 221 and consent of department
- Description
- Second semester of a calculus-based sequence in introductory physics, intended primarily for highly motivated and well prepared students. Covers the material of PHYS-P 222 and supplementary topics. Course fee required.
- Repeatability
- Credit given for only one of PHYS-H 222, PHYS-P 202, or PHYS-P 222.
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
PHYS-P 222 Physics II
- Credits
- 5
- Prerequisites
- PHYS-H 221 or PHYS-P 221; or PHYS-P 201 and consent of instructor
- Corequisites
- MATH-M 212 or consent of instructor
- Notes
- Second semester of a three-semester, calculus-based sequence intended for science majors.Three lectures, two discussion sections, and one 2-hour lab each week. Physics majors are encouraged to take PHYS-P 222 in the spring semester of the freshman year
- Description
- Primarily electricity, magnetism, and geometrical and physical optics.
- Repeatability
- Credit given for only one of PHYS-H 222, PHYS-P 202, or PHYS-P 222.
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
- Physics III. One (1) course:
- PHYS-P 301 Physics III
PHYS-P 301 Physics III
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- PHYS-H 222 or PHYS-P 222; or PHYS-P 202 and consent of instructor
- Notes
- Third semester of a three-semester, calculus-based sequence.Intended for science and mathematics majors. Three lecture-discussion periods each week
- Description
- Special theory of relativity; introduction to quantum physics; atomic, nuclear, condensed matter, and elementary particle physics.
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
- Theory of Electricity and Magnetism I. One (1) course:
- PHYS-P 331 Theory of Electricity and Magnetism I
PHYS-P 331 Theory of Electricity and Magnetism I
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- PHYS-H 222 or PHYS-P 222; or PHYS-P 202 and consent of instructor; and MATH-M 312 or PHYS-P 321
- Description
- Electrostatic fields and differential operators, Laplace and Poisson equations, dielectric materials, steady currents, power and energy, induction, magnetic fields, scalar and vector potentials, Maxwell\'s equations.
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
- Analytical Mechanics I. One (1) course:
- PHYS-P 441 Analytical Mechanics I
PHYS-P 441 Analytical Mechanics I
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- PHYS-P 222 or PHYS-H 222; or PHYS-P 202 and consent of instructor
- Notes
- P or C: MATH-M 343
- Description
- Elementary mechanics of particles and rigid bodies, treated by methods of calculus and differential equations.
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
- Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. One (1) course:
- PHYS-P 453 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
PHYS-P 453 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- PHYS-P 301 and PHYS-P 331
- Notes
- R: PHYS-P 332 concurrently
- Description
- The Schroedinger equation with applications to problems such as barrier transmission, harmonic oscillation, and the hydrogen atom. Discussion of orbital and spin angular momentum and identical particles. Introduction to perturbation theory.
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
- Modern Physics Laboratory. One (1) course:
- PHYS-P 309 Modern Physics Laboratory
PHYS-P 309 Modern Physics Laboratory
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Notes
- P or C: PHYS-P 301
- Description
- Fundamental experiments in physics with emphasis on modern physics. The course aims to develop basic laboratory skills and data analysis techniques.
- Experiments in Modern Physics I. One (1) course:
- PHYS-P 451 Experiments in Modern Physics I
- PHYS-P 460 (with permission of department)
PHYS-P 451 Experiments in Modern Physics I
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- PHYS-P 301 and PHYS-P 309
- Notes
- R: PHYS-P 453 and PHYS-P 454 concurrently
- Description
- Advanced laboratory for senior physics majors. Experimental investigations and selected topics in nuclear, atomic, and solid state physics.
- Physics Electives or Concentration. One (1) of the following:
- Concentration. Complete the Computational Physics Concentration (see requirements below).
- Electives. Additional courses, as needed, to fulfill remaining requirements:
- PHYS-P 310 Environmental Physics
- PHYS-P 314 Introduction to Medical Physics
- PHYS-P 317 Signals and Information Processing in Living Systems
- PHYS-P 318 Scattering Methods in Materials Science
- PHYS-P 321 Techniques in Theoretical Physics
- PHYS-P 325 Computing Skills for Physical Scientists
- PHYS-P 332 Theory of Electricity and Magnetism II
- PHYS-P 340 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
- PHYS-P 350 Applied Physics Instrumentation Laboratory
- PHYS-P 371 Radiation Science Fundamentals
- PHYS-P 400 Analog and Digital Electronics
- PHYS-P 408 Current Research in Physics
- PHYS-P 410 Computing Applications in Physics
- PHYS-P 411 Computing Applications in Physics II
- PHYS-P 425 Introductory Biophysics
- PHYS-P 442 Analytical Mechanics II
- PHYS-P 451 Experiments in Modern Physics I
- PHYS-P 454 Modern Physics
- PHYS-P 455 Quantum Computing I
- PHYS-P 456 Quantum Computing II
- PHYS-P 460
- PHYS-P 470 Introduction to Accelerator Physics
- PHYS-P 472 Radiation Oncology Physics
- PHYS-P 478 Radiation Biophysics
- PHYS-X 473 Applied Physics Internship
- PHYS-X 490 Readings in Physics
- PHYS-X 498 Research Project
PHYS-P 310 Environmental Physics
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- PHYS-H 221, PHYS-P 201, or PHYS-P 221; and MATH-M 211; or consent of instructor
- Description
- For biological and physical science majors. Relationship of physics to current environmental problems. Energy production, comparison of sources and byproducts; nature of and possible solutions to problems of noise, particulate matter in atmosphere.
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
- Fall 2025CASE SLcourseSummer 2025CASE SLcourseSpring 2025CASE SLcourse
PHYS-P 314 Introduction to Medical Physics
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- PHYS-H 221, PHYS-P 201, PHYS-P 221, or consent of instructor
- Notes
- R: PHYS-H 222, PHYS-P 202, or PHYS-P 222. Preferred for Physics majors: PHYS-P 371 and PHYS-P 472
- Description
- For biological and physical science majors. Applications of physics to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of human disease: diagnostic imaging, radiation therapy, radiation protection; radiation detection, dosimetry, exposure, instrumentation, cavity theory, non-ionizing radiation imaging, radiation biology, radiation oncology techniques, cancer biology, medical imaging technologies.
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
PHYS-P 317 Signals and Information Processing in Living Systems
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- PHYS-H 222, PHYS-P 202, or PHYS-P 222; and MATH-M 120 or MATH-M 211.
- Description
- Introduction to quantitative methods for life sciences, emphasizing how living systems process information. Topics include noise in sensory signals; consequences for sensory processing; uncertainty and decision making; neural networks, excitable waves in neurons and muscle; stability/instability; models of development and morphogenesis. Open to students in the physical or life sciences.
PHYS-P 318 Scattering Methods in Materials Science
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- PHYS-H 222 or PHYS-P 222; or PHYS-P 202 and consent of instructor
- Description
- Introduction to neutron and X-ray scattering techniques used in materials physics. Basic scattering theory; structural measurements of ordered, disordered, and nano materials; stress and strain measurements; imaging; inelastic neutron and X-ray scattering; EXAFS and NEXAFS; polarized neutrons and X-rays; proposal writing.
PHYS-P 321 Techniques in Theoretical Physics
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Notes
- P or C: PHYS-P 301
- Description
- Particle motion in one, two, and three dimensions in the presence of forces; construction of forces from fields, and relationships between fields and sources; energies and potentials; complex oscillations and circuit analysis; classical and quantum mechanical waves and probabilities.
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
PHYS-P 325 Computing Skills for Physical Scientists
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- PHYS-P 201 and PHYS-P 202; or PHYS-P 221 and PHYS-P 222; and MATH-M 211, MATH-S 211, or equivalent
- Description
- Computer skills with application to upper-division physical science courses: use of Python as a programming language and Mathematica for symbolic manipulation; data fitting and visualization; numerical and Monte Carlo methods.
PHYS-P 332 Theory of Electricity and Magnetism II
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- PHYS-P 331; or consent of instructor
- Description
- Magnetic materials, wave equations and radiation, energy transfer and conversion. Pointing vector and momentum, retarded potentials, dipole radiation, transmission lines and wave guides, relativity.
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
PHYS-P 340 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- PHYS-H 222 or PHYS-P 222; or PHYS-P 202 and consent of instructor
- Notes
- P or C: MATH-M 311 or MATH-S 311
- Description
- Intermediate course, covering three laws of thermodynamics, classical and quantum statistical mechanics, and some applications.
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
PHYS-P 350 Applied Physics Instrumentation Laboratory
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- PHYS-H 222 or PHYS-P 222; or PHYS-P 201, PHYS-P 202, and consent of instructor
- Notes
- P or C: PHYS-P 309
- Description
- Instrumentation, data acquisition, and control for research, development, industrial applications depending upon coordination of electrical sensors, instruments, personal computers, and software. Covers the essentials of electronic signal measurements, transducers, computer control of instruments, design of automated measurement and control algorithms, real-time data analysis and instrument calibration.
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
PHYS-P 371 Radiation Science Fundamentals
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- PHYS-H 222 or PHYS-P 222; or PHYS-P 202 and consent of instructor
- Description
- Introduces principles and concepts related to radioactive decay, interactions of ionizing radiation with matter, dosimetry and the human health effects of exposure to ionizing radiation; reviews fundamental concepts of atomic and sub-atomic processes, modern physics, Special Theory of Relativity, wave/particle duality and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.
PHYS-P 400 Analog and Digital Electronics
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Practical electronics as would be encountered in a research laboratory or industrial setting. Both analog (filters, power supplies, transistors, amplifiers, op-amps, comparators, oscillators, transducers including the analysis of circuits using computer-aided techniques) and digital devices (storage elements, discrete gates, and programmable devices).
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
PHYS-P 408 Current Research in Physics
- Credits
- 1
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- A series of introductory talks by 15 different faculty members on the current research activities of the Department of Physics. For senior-level students.
PHYS-P 410 Computing Applications in Physics
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- PHYS-P 301; and CSCI-A 201 or CSCI-A 304; or consent of instructor
- Description
- Computing methods and techniques applied to a broad spectrum of physics problems. Emphasis on least-squares method and other curve-fitting techniques of nonlinear functions; Monte Carlo methods; data manipulation, including sorting, retrieval, and display.
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
PHYS-P 411 Computing Applications in Physics II
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- PHYS-P 410; or consent of instructor
- Description
- Continuation of PHYS-P 410 including introduction to stochastic modeling, statistical mechanics and quantum systems, improving code performance.
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
PHYS-P 425 Introductory Biophysics
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Overview of cellular components; basic structures of proteins, nucleotides, and biological membranes; solution physics of biological molecules; mechanics and motions of biopolymers; physical chemistry of binding affinity and kinetics; physics of transport and initial transduction; biophysical techniques such as microscopy and spectroscopy; mathematical modeling of biological systems; biophysics in the post-genome era, etc.
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
PHYS-P 442 Analytical Mechanics II
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- PHYS-P 441; or consent of instructor
- Corequisites
- MATH-M 343
- Description
- Elementary mechanics of particles and rigid bodies, treated by methods of calculus and differential equations.
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
PHYS-P 451 Experiments in Modern Physics I
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- PHYS-P 301 and PHYS-P 309
- Notes
- R: PHYS-P 453 and PHYS-P 454 concurrently
- Description
- Advanced laboratory for senior physics majors. Experimental investigations and selected topics in nuclear, atomic, and solid state physics.
PHYS-P 454 Modern Physics
- Credits
- 4
- Prerequisites
- PHYS-P 453
- Description
- Structure of multielectron atoms. Experimental facts and theoretical models in solid state physics, nuclear physics, and elementary particle physics.
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
PHYS-P 455 Quantum Computing I
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- MATH-M 118, MATH-M 211, and MATH-M 303; or consent of instructor
- Notes
- Cross-listed as MATH-M 455
- Description
- Covers the interdisciplinary field of quantum information science and aims at senior undergraduate and graduate students majoring in computer science, physics, mathematics, philosophy, and chemistry. Quantum Information Science is the study of storing, processing, and communicating information using quantum systems.
- Repeatability
- Credit given for only one of MATH-M 455 and PHYS-P 455.
PHYS-P 456 Quantum Computing II
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- MATH-M 118, MATH-M 211, and MATH-M 303; and MATH-M 455 or PHYS-P 455; or consent of instructor
- Notes
- Cross-listed as MATH-M 456
- Description
- Covers the interdisciplinary field of quantum information science and aims at senior undergraduate and graduate students majoring in computer science, physics, mathematics, philosophy, and chemistry. Quantum Information Science is the study of storing, processing, and communicating information using quantum systems.
- Repeatability
- Credit given for only one of MATH-M 456 and PHYS-P 456.
PHYS-P 470 Introduction to Accelerator Physics
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- Consent of instructor
- Description
- Overview of accelerator development and accelerator technologies. Principles of linear and circular accelerators, storage rings, colliders. Transverse phase space motion of a particle in an accelerator. Radio frequency acceleration and synchrotron light sources. Basics of free electron lasers. Spin dynamics in cyclic accelerators and storage rings.   Â
PHYS-P 472 Radiation Oncology Physics
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- PHYS-P 371; or consent of instructor
- Description
- Introduces the physical principles, equipment, processes, imaging guidance and clinical techniques involved in the treatment of cancer patients with external radiation beams and radioactive sources; energy deposition characteristics are described; treatment planning dose calculation algorithms and point dose calculations; international dosimetry protocols for radiation beam calibrations are covered in detail.
PHYS-P 478 Radiation Biophysics
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- PHYS-P 301, PHYS-P 371, or consent of instructor
- Description
- Emphasis on the effects of ionizing radiation at the cellular/molecular, tissue, and organismal level. Topics include effects in tissue, DNA repair, chemical modifiers, the basis of radiotherapy, consequences of whole-body irradiation, and carcinogenesis. Especially relevant for students training in cancer biology, radiation oncology, radiology, public health, and medical physics.
PHYS-X 473 Applied Physics Internship
- Credits
- 1
- Prerequisites
- Consent of instructor or supervisor
- Description
- Internship in industry or national laboratory, arranged between the student, the student's faculty mentor, and an internship supervisor.
- Repeatability
- May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
- Grading
- S/F grading.
PHYS-X 490 Readings in Physics
- Credits
- 1–3 credit hours
- Prerequisites
- Consent of instructor
- Description
- Independent reading under supervision of a faculty member. Study in depth of a topic of interest to the student, culminating in a research paper.
- Repeatability
- May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credit hours.
PHYS-X 498 Research Project
- Credits
- 1–6 credit hours
- Prerequisites
- Consent of instructor or supervisor
- Description
- Research participation in group or independent project under the supervision of a faculty member in departmental research areas; or topic agreed upon between the student and supervisor.
- Repeatability
- May be repeated with a different topic for a maximum of 6 credit hours in PHYS-S 406 and PHYS-X 498.
- Addenda Requirements*.
- Mathematics and Computer Science. 20 credit hours:
- Calculus I. One (1) course:
- MATH-M 211 Calculus I
- MATH-S 211
MATH-M 211 Calculus I
- Credits
- 4
- Prerequisites
- None
- Notes
- R: To be successful, students will demonstrate mastery of two years of high school algebra, one year of high school geometry, and pre-calculus, and trigonometry as indicated by an appropriate ALEKS score or completion of MATH-M 027
- Description
- Limits, continuity, derivatives, definite and indefinite integrals, applications.
- Repeatability
- A student may receive credit for only one of the following: MATH-J 113, MATH-M 119, MATH-V 119, MATH-M 211, or MATH-S 211.
- Fall 2025CASE MMcourseSummer 2025CASE MMcourseSpring 2025CASE MMcourse
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
- Calculus II. One (1) course:
- MATH-M 212 Calculus II
- MATH-S 212 Honors Calculus II
MATH-M 212 Calculus II
- Credits
- 4
- Prerequisites
- MATH-M 211 or MATH-S 211; or consent of department
- Description
- Techniques of integration (by parts, trigonometric substitutions, partial fractions), improper integrals, volume, work, arc length, surface area, infinite series.
- Repeatability
- Credit given for only one of MATH-M 120 or MATH-M 212.
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
MATH-S 212 Honors Calculus II
- Credits
- 4
- Prerequisites
- MATH-S 211 or consent of department
- Description
- Includes material of MATH-M 212 and supplemental topics. Designed for students of outstanding ability in mathematics.
- Repeatability
- Credit given for only one of MATH-M 120, MATH-M 212, or MATH-S 212.
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
- Calculus III. One (1) course:
- MATH-M 311 Calculus III
- MATH-S 311 Honors Course in Calculus III
MATH-M 311 Calculus III
- Credits
- 4
- Prerequisites
- MATH-M 212, MATH-M 213, or MATH-S 212
- Description
- Elementary geometry of 2, 3, and n-space; functions of several variables; partial differentiation; minimum and maximum problems; multiple integration.
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
MATH-S 311 Honors Course in Calculus III
- Credits
- 4
- Prerequisites
- MATH-S 212 or consent of instructor; and MATH M-301, MATH M-303, or MATH S-303
- Description
- Honors version of MATH-M 311, covering geometry of 2, 3, and n-space; functions of several variables; partial differentiation; minimum and maximum problems; and multiple integration. For students with unusual aptitude and motivation.
- Repeatability
- Credit given for only one of MATH-M 311 or MATH-S 311.
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
- Introduction to Differential Equations with Applications I. One (1) course:
- MATH-M 343
- MATH-S 343 Honors Course in Differential Equations
MATH-S 343 Honors Course in Differential Equations
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- MATH-S 212 or consent of instructor
- Description
- Introduction, with historical examples, first order ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and applications, second order linear ODEs, linear ODEs of higher order, series solutions to linear ODEs, and numerical methods for ODEs. In addition, some theoretical aspects will be studied in detail such as the Picard existence/uniqueness theorem for initial-value problems, convergence of series solutions, and the matrix exponential exp(tA).
- Fall 2025CASE NMcourseSummer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
- Electives. Additional Mathematics or Computer Science courses, as needed, to fulfill the requirement.
- Calculus I. One (1) course:
- Biological and Physical Sciences. Nine (9) credit hours in the biological and physical sciences, other than physics, with at least six (6) credit hours in the same department:
- Animal Behavior
- Astronomy
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Biotechnology
- Chemistry
- Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
- Human Biology
- Neuroscience
- Mathematics and Computer Science. 20 credit hours:
- Major GPA, Hours, and Minimum Grade Requirements.
- Major GPA. A GPA of at least 2.000 for all courses taken in the major—including those where a grade lower than C- is earned—is required.
- Major Minimum Grade. Except for the GPA requirement, a grade of C- or higher is required for a course to count toward a requirement in the major.
- Major Upper Division Credit Hours. At least 18 credit hours in the major must be completed at the 300–499 level.
- Major Residency. At least 18 credit hours in the major must be completed in courses taken through the Indiana University Bloomington campus or an IU-administered or IU co-sponsored Overseas Study program.
Major Area Courses
Unless otherwise noted below, the following courses are considered in the academic program and will count toward academic program requirements as appropriate:
- Any course at the 100–499 level with the
subject area prefix—as well as any other subject areas that are deemed functionally equivalent - Any course contained on the course lists for the academic program requirements at the time the course is taken—as well as any other courses that are deemed functionally equivalent—except for those listed only under Addenda Requirements
- Any course directed to a non-Addenda requirement through an approved exception
- Any course at the 100–499 level with the
The following courses cannot be applied toward major requirements:
- PHYS-E 250
- Any PHYS-P 100–199
This program of study cannot be combined with the following:
- Bachelor of Arts in Physics (PHYSBA)
- Minor in Physics (PHYSMIN)
The Bachelor of Science degree requires at least 120 credit hours, to include the following:
- College of Arts and Sciences Credit Hours. At least 100 credit hours must come from College of Arts and Sciences disciplines.
- Upper Division Courses. At least 36 credit hours (of the 120) must be at the 300–499 level.
- College Residency. Following completion of the 60th credit hour toward degree, at least 36 credit hours of College of Arts and Sciences coursework must be completed through the Indiana University Bloomington campus or an IU-administered or IU co-sponsored Overseas Study program.
- College GPA. A College grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.000 is required.
- CASE Requirements. The following College of Arts and Sciences Education (CASE) requirements must be completed:
- CASE Foundations
- CASE Breadth of Inquiry
- CASE Culture Studies
- Diversity in the United States: 1 course
- Global Civilizations and Cultures: Not required
- CASE Critical Approaches: 1 course
- CASE Foreign Language: Proficiency in a single foreign language through the first semester of the second year of college-level coursework
- CASE Intensive Writing: 1 course
- CASE Public Oral Communication: 1 course
- CASE Sustainability Literacy: 1 course
- Major. Completion of the major as outlined in the Major Requirements section above.
Most students must also successfully complete the Indiana University Bloomington General Education program.
Subject areas
- Any AAAD course that carries degree credit
- Any AAST course that carries degree credit
- Any ABEH course that carries degree credit
- Any AFRI course that carries degree credit
- Any AMST course that carries degree credit
- Any ANTH course that carries degree credit
- Any ARTH course that carries degree credit
- Any ASCS course that carries degree credit
- Any AST course that carries degree credit
- Any BIOC course that carries degree credit
- Any BIOL course that carries degree credit
- Any BIOT course that carries degree credit
- Any CEUS course that carries degree credit
- Any CHEM course that carries degree credit
- Any CJUS course that carries degree credit
- Any CLAS course that carries degree credit
- Any CLLC course that carries degree credit
- Any CMLT course that carries degree credit
- Any COGS course that carries degree credit
- Any COLL course that carries degree credit
- Any EALC course that carries degree credit
- Any EAS course that carries degree credit
- Any ECON course that carries degree credit
- Any ENG course that carries degree credit
- Any EURO course that carries degree credit
- Any FOLK course that carries degree credit
- Any FRIT course that carries degree credit
- Any GEOG course that carries degree credit
- Any GER course that carries degree credit
- Any GLLC course that carries degree credit
- Any GNDR course that carries degree credit
- Any HHC course that carries degree credit
- Any HISP course that carries degree credit
- Any HIST course that carries degree credit
- Any HON course that carries degree credit
- Any HPSC course that carries degree credit
- Any HUBI course that carries degree credit
- Any IMP course that carries degree credit
- Any INST course that carries degree credit
- Any INTL course that carries degree credit
- Any JSTU course that carries degree credit
- Any LAMP course that carries degree credit
- Any LATS course that carries degree credit
- Any LING course that carries degree credit
- Any LTAM course that carries degree credit
- Any MATH course that carries degree credit
- Any MELC course that carries degree credit
- Any MEST course that carries degree credit
- Any MLS course that carries degree credit
- Any MSCH course that carries degree credit
- Any NEUS course that carries degree credit
- Any OVST course that carries degree credit
- Any PACE course that carries degree credit
- Any PHIL course that carries degree credit
- Any PHYS course that carries degree credit
- Any POLS course that carries degree credit
- Any PSY course that carries degree credit
- Any REEI course that carries degree credit
- Any REL course that carries degree credit
- Any RMI course that carries degree credit
- Any SEAS course that carries degree credit
- Any SGIS course that carries degree credit
- Any SLAV course that carries degree credit
- Any SLHS course that carries degree credit
- Any SLST course that carries degree credit
- Any SOAD course that carries degree credit
- Any SOC course that carries degree credit
- Any STAT course that carries degree credit
- Any THTR course that carries degree credit