Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity and Global Policy
The B.S. provides students with both technical and policy expertise in a rapidly expanding field, one in which there is high demand for skilled professionals. Through pursuing this degree, students will gain a sophisticated understanding of programming, data structures, networked systems, and security protocols. They will also learn about the wide range of privacy, cultural, economic, legal, and security issues surrounding the field of cybersecurity. They will learn to assess risk, explore possible responses to cyber attacks, and examine how cybersecurity crosses national boundaries and thereby challenges traditional, state-oriented understandings and responses. Upon graduation, students should be able to work closely and communicate effectively with a wide range of both technical and policy experts in the public, nonprofit, and private realms.
- Technical, Policy, and Social Foundations.
- Introduction to Informatics. One (1) course:
- INFO-H 101 Introduction to Informatics, Honors
- INFO-I 101 Introduction to Informatics
INFO-H 101 Introduction to Informatics, Honors
- Description
- None
- Additional information
- Credit hour, prerequisite, and other information cannot be displayed for this course. If this is a course outside of the College of Arts and Sciences, please see the appropriate school's bulletin for additional information.
INFO-I 101 Introduction to Informatics
- Description
- Problem solving with information technology; introduction to information representation, relational databases, system design, propositional logic, cutting edge technologies; CPU, operating systems, networks; laboratory emphasizing information technology including webpage design, word processing, and databases using tools available on campus.
- Additional information
- Credit hour, prerequisite, and other information cannot be displayed for this course. If this is a course outside of the College of Arts and Sciences, please see the appropriate school's bulletin for additional information.
- Mathematical Foundations of Informatics. One (1) course:
- CSCI-C 241 Discrete Structures for Computer Science
- INFO-H 201 Mathemetical Foundations of Informatics, Honors
- INFO-I 201 Mathematical Foundations of Informatics
CSCI-C 241 Discrete Structures for Computer Science
- Description
- Induction and recursive programs, running time, asymptotic notations, combinatorics and discrete probability, trees and lists, the relational data model, graph algorithms, propositional and predicate logic.
- Additional information
- Credit hour, prerequisite, and other information cannot be displayed for this course. If this is a course outside of the College of Arts and Sciences, please see the appropriate school's bulletin for additional information.
INFO-H 201 Mathemetical Foundations of Informatics, Honors
- Description
- None
- Additional information
- Credit hour, prerequisite, and other information cannot be displayed for this course. If this is a course outside of the College of Arts and Sciences, please see the appropriate school's bulletin for additional information.
INFO-I 201 Mathematical Foundations of Informatics
- Description
- An introduction to methods of analytical, abstract and critical thinking, deductive reasoning; and logical and mathematical tools used in information sciences. Topics include propositional and predicate logic, natural deduction proof system, sets, functions and relations, proof methods in mathematics, mathematical induction, and graph theory.
- Additional information
- Credit hour, prerequisite, and other information cannot be displayed for this course. If this is a course outside of the College of Arts and Sciences, please see the appropriate school's bulletin for additional information.
- Introduction to International Studies. One (1) course:
- INTL-I 100 Introduction to International Studies
INTL-I 100 Introduction to International Studies
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- This introductory, interdisciplinary course exposes students to the various academic approaches essential to international studies and to the various concentrations that comprise the major.
- Summer 2025CASE SHcourseSpring 2025CASE SHcourse
- Culture in the Digital Age. One (1) course:
- INTL-I 305 Advanced Topics in Culture and Politics
INTL-I 305 Advanced Topics in Culture and Politics
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Advanced topics in the study of culture and governance. The focus is on relationships of power and authority, including how governments, markets, and international organizations deploy or use culture, and how people turn to cultural resources to resist attempts to govern them and/or to assert their own political aims.
- Repeatability
- May be repeated with a different topic for a maximum of 12 credit hours.
- Introduction to International Law and Legal Institutions. One (1) course:
- INTL-L 250 Introduction to International Law and Legal Institutions
INTL-L 250 Introduction to International Law and Legal Institutions
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Introduces the central instruments and methodological tools of international law through study of international law cases, major treaties, and key institutions such as the United Nations and the International Criminal Court.
- Origin and Evolution of International Law. One (1) course:
- INTL-L 350 Origins and Evolution of International Law
INTL-L 350 Origins and Evolution of International Law
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Explores the history, central figures, and key arguments in the development of international law; concepts to be discussed include natural law, reason of state, positivism, embedded liberalism, crimes against humanity, and Responsibility to Protect.
- Introduction to Informatics. One (1) course:
- Cybersecurity Core.
- Diplomacy, Security, Governance. One (1) course:
- INTL-I 210 Diplomacy, Security, Governance
INTL-I 210 Diplomacy, Security, Governance
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Examines the development of the modern state and the role of international organizations in maintaining global security and promoting global governance. Addresses issues of political and cultural diplomacy and their effect in international disputes.
- Summer 2025CASE SHcourseSpring 2025CASE SHcourse
- Analytical Foundations of Security. One (1) course:
- INFO-I 230 Analytical Foundations of Security
INFO-I 230 Analytical Foundations of Security
- Description
- This course will allow students to re-evaluate and conceptualize material learned in discrete courses to consider the topics from the perspective of security. For example, computer system basics such as hardware (CPU, memory, ...) and software are reconsidered from the perspective of how their interactions create vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities that combine standard hardware and software configurations will be examined, as these illuminate both security and computer networks. Operating systems and file systems are examined from the perspective of access control, permissions and availability of system services, etc.
- Additional information
- Credit hour, prerequisite, and other information cannot be displayed for this course. If this is a course outside of the College of Arts and Sciences, please see the appropriate school's bulletin for additional information.
- Introduction to the Mathematics of Cybersecurity. One (1) course:
- CSCI-C 231 Introduction to the Mathematics of Cybersecurity
- INFO-I 231 Introduction to the Mathematics of Cybersecurity
CSCI-C 231 Introduction to the Mathematics of Cybersecurity
- Description
- The goal of this course is for students to be introduced to the basic mathematical tools used in modern cybersecurity. The course covers introductory mathematical material from a number of disparate fields including probability theory, analysis of algorithms, complexity theory, number theory, and group theory.
- Additional information
- Credit hour, prerequisite, and other information cannot be displayed for this course. If this is a course outside of the College of Arts and Sciences, please see the appropriate school's bulletin for additional information.
INFO-I 231 Introduction to the Mathematics of Cybersecurity
- Description
- Introduces the basic mathematical tools used in modern cybersecurity. Covers mathematical material from a number of disparate fields, including probability theory, analysis of algorithms, complexity theory, number theory, and group theory.
- Additional information
- Credit hour, prerequisite, and other information cannot be displayed for this course. If this is a course outside of the College of Arts and Sciences, please see the appropriate school's bulletin for additional information.
- Introduction to International Relations. One (1) course:
- POLS-Y 109 Introduction to International Relations
POLS-Y 109 Introduction to International Relations
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Causes of war, nature and attributes of the state, imperialism, international law, national sovereignty, arbitration, adjudication, international organization, major international issues.
- Repeatability
- Credit given for only one of POLS-Y 109 or POLS-Y 219.
- Summer 2025CASE SHcourseSpring 2025CASE SHcourse
- Informational Infrastructure I. One (1) course:
- CSCI-C 200 Introduction to Computers and Programming
- INFO-I 210 Information Infrastructure I
CSCI-C 200 Introduction to Computers and Programming
- Description
- This course is an introduction, broadly, to algorithmic thinking and, specifically, to programming. It teaches the basics of programming using real world applications in natural, physical and social sciences. Students will develop ability to program by identifying problems in real world and then creating a program that solves the problem.
- Additional information
- Credit hour, prerequisite, and other information cannot be displayed for this course. If this is a course outside of the College of Arts and Sciences, please see the appropriate school's bulletin for additional information.
INFO-I 210 Information Infrastructure I
- Description
- This course introduces software architectures of information systems and basic concepts and procedures of system and application development. Course topics include PHP programming syntax; procedural programming fundamentals; principles of developing dynamic, database-driven applications for the World Wide Web; relational database concepts; and basic MySQL statements.
- Additional information
- Credit hour, prerequisite, and other information cannot be displayed for this course. If this is a course outside of the College of Arts and Sciences, please see the appropriate school's bulletin for additional information.
- Informational Infrastructure II. One (1) course:
- CSCI-C 212 Introduction to Software Systems
- INFO-I 211 Information Infrastructure II
CSCI-C 212 Introduction to Software Systems
- Description
- Design of computer software systems and introduction to programming in the environment of a contemporary operating system. Topics include a modern object-oriented programming language; building and maintaining large projects; and understanding the operating system interface.
- Additional information
- Credit hour, prerequisite, and other information cannot be displayed for this course. If this is a course outside of the College of Arts and Sciences, please see the appropriate school's bulletin for additional information.
INFO-I 211 Information Infrastructure II
- Description
- The systems architecture of distributed applications. Advanced programming, including an introduction to the programming of graphical systems.
- Additional information
- Credit hour, prerequisite, and other information cannot be displayed for this course. If this is a course outside of the College of Arts and Sciences, please see the appropriate school's bulletin for additional information.
- Systems Programming with C and Unix. One (1) course:
- CSCI-C 291 System Programming With C and Unix
CSCI-C 291 System Programming With C and Unix
- Description
- This course provides an introduction to programming in a Unix (Linux) environment using the C language. The key ideas to be discussed are: the Unix shell, file system and basic shell commands; the emacs text editor; and the C programming language.
- Additional information
- Credit hour, prerequisite, and other information cannot be displayed for this course. If this is a course outside of the College of Arts and Sciences, please see the appropriate school's bulletin for additional information.
- Ethics and Decision-Making in International Politics. One (1) course:
- INTL-I 340 Ethics and Decision-Making in International Politics
INTL-I 340 Ethics and Decision-Making in International Politics
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Addresses the role of ethics and morality in the international system as applied to states, international organizations, nongovernmental organizations, and individuals. Explores dilemmas policymakers face as they weigh alternatives, try to reconcile competing demands, and search for acceptable trade-offs. Focuses on problems such as mass atrocities, forms of slavery, poverty, and the challenges of dealing with illiberal governments.
- Security for Networked Systems. One (1) course:
- CSCI-B 430 Security for Networked Systems
- INFO-I 430 Security for Networked Systems
CSCI-B 430 Security for Networked Systems
- Description
- This course is an extensive survey of network security. The course materials cover threats to information confidentiality, integrity, and availability in different internet layers, and defense mechanisms that control these threats. The course also provides a necessary foundation on network security, such as cryptographic, primitives/protocols, authentication, authorization and access control technologies; and hands-on experiences through programming assignments and course projects.
- Additional information
- Credit hour, prerequisite, and other information cannot be displayed for this course. If this is a course outside of the College of Arts and Sciences, please see the appropriate school's bulletin for additional information.
INFO-I 430 Security for Networked Systems
- Description
- An extensive survey of network security. Covers threats to information confidentiality, integrity, and availability in different Internet layers, and defense mechanisms which control these threats. Also provides a necessary foundation on network security, such as cryptographic primitives/protocols, authentication, authorization, and access control technologies. Hands-on experiences through programming assignments and course projects.
- Additional information
- Credit hour, prerequisite, and other information cannot be displayed for this course. If this is a course outside of the College of Arts and Sciences, please see the appropriate school's bulletin for additional information.
- Systems & Protocol Security & Informational Assurance. One (1) course:
- CSCI-B 433 Systems & Protocol Security & Information Assurance
- INFO-I 433 Systems and Protocol Security and Information Assurance
CSCI-B 433 Systems & Protocol Security & Information Assurance
- Description
- This class covers the fundamentals of computer security by looking at how things can go wrong, and how people can abuse the system. This is a matter of creative cheating; to find loopholes and exploit them. After students learn how to attack the system, it is possible to propose ways to make the system secure. Students will gain a basic overview of existing security problems and be exposed to methods that can be used to secure against such problems. The course should be taken by any one designing, selecting, or using applications in which security or privacy plays a role.
- Additional information
- Credit hour, prerequisite, and other information cannot be displayed for this course. If this is a course outside of the College of Arts and Sciences, please see the appropriate school's bulletin for additional information.
INFO-I 433 Systems and Protocol Security and Information Assurance
- Description
- Covers the fundamentals of computer security by looking at how things can go wrong, how people can abuse the system, and ways to make the system secure. Students will gain a basic overview of existing security problems, and be introduced to methods for addressing such problems. Should be taken by anyone designing, selecting, or using applications in which security or privacy plays a role.
- Additional information
- Credit hour, prerequisite, and other information cannot be displayed for this course. If this is a course outside of the College of Arts and Sciences, please see the appropriate school's bulletin for additional information.
- Cybersecurity, Policy, and Governance. One (1) course:
- SGIS-S 401 Cybersecurity, Policy, and Governance
SGIS-S 401 Cybersecurity, Policy, and Governance
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- The Internet has created both opportunities for global connection as well as vulnerabilities that pose new challenges for nation-states and governments, who are forced to contend with actors whose identity and rules of behavior are often not known to them. Explore these issues and the current thinking in law, policy, and governance in dealing with them.
- Diplomacy, Security, Governance. One (1) course:
- Other Requirements.
- Intelligence. One (1) course:
- ILS-Z 331 Strategic Intelligence
- ILS-Z 351 Moles, Deception, and Counterintelligence
ILS-Z 331 Strategic Intelligence
- Description
- This class introduces concepts and methods of identifying, collecting, analyzing, and presenting strategic intelligence from perspectives including competitive and strategic military intelligence, globalized crime, government policy, and natural disasters. We examine disruption, networks, systems theory, asymmetric warfare, organizational structure, and information warfare that have impacted modern strategy and strategic intelligence.
- Additional information
- Credit hour, prerequisite, and other information cannot be displayed for this course. If this is a course outside of the College of Arts and Sciences, please see the appropriate school's bulletin for additional information.
ILS-Z 351 Moles, Deception, and Counterintelligence
- Description
- Counterintelligence involves disrupting adversaries' information flow or disseminating disinformation to make them act contrary to their interests. In this class, students explore concepts and techniques of counterintelligence. Assignments allow students to apply course content to real-world threats with a focus on U.S. perspectives in concise papers designed for busy decision-makers.
- Additional information
- Credit hour, prerequisite, and other information cannot be displayed for this course. If this is a course outside of the College of Arts and Sciences, please see the appropriate school's bulletin for additional information.
- International Diplomacy and Security. One (1) course:
- INTL-I 310 Advanced Topics in Diplomacy, Security, Governance
INTL-I 310 Advanced Topics in Diplomacy, Security, Governance
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Advanced topics focusing on the development of the modern state and the role of international organizations in maintaining global security and promoting global governance. Addresses issues of political and cultural diplomacy and their effect in international disputes.
- Repeatability
- May be repeated with a different topic for a maximum of 12 credit hours.
- Global Issues. At least three (3) credit hours:
- SGIS-S 300 Global Issues
SGIS-S 300 Global Issues
- Credits
- 1–3 credit hours
- Prerequisites
- None
- Description
- Study of a variety of global issues related to security, technology, media, law, global careers, global and local community awareness, global languages and policy making.
- Repeatability
- May be repeated with different topics for a maximum of 12 credit hours.
- Intelligence. One (1) course:
- Addenda Requirement*.
- Area Studies. Two (2) courses:
- Any CASE Global Civilizations and Cultures course
- Additional courses with program approval
- Mathematical Modeling. One (1) of the following:
- Both of the following:
- MATH-D 116 Introduction to Finite Mathematics I
- MATH-D 117 Introduction to Finite Mathematics II
- MATH-M 118 Finite Mathematics
- MATH-V 118 Finite Mathematics with Applications
MATH-D 116 Introduction to Finite Mathematics I
- Credits
- 2
- Prerequisites
- Mastery of two years of high school algebra as indicated by an ALEKS score of 40 or higher; or MATH-M 014, MATH-M 018, or MATH-J 111.
- Description
- MATH-D 116 and MATH-D 117 is a two-course sequence that covers sets, counting, basic probability, including random variables and expected values, linear systems, matrices, linear programming, and applications.
- Repeatability
- Credit given for only one of MATH-A 118, MATH-M 118, MATH-S 118, MATH-V 118; or MATH-D 116 and MATH-D 117.
MATH-D 117 Introduction to Finite Mathematics II
- Credits
- 2
- Prerequisites
- MATH-D 116 or consent of the department
- Notes
- MATH-D 116 and MATH-D 117 is a two-course sequence
- Description
- Topics for the course are taken from MATH-M 118. Credit for the College of Arts and Sciences Foundations requirement in Mathematical Modeling or the College's N&M Breadth of Inquiry requirement will be given only upon completion of both MATH-D 116 and MATH-D 117 with a passing grade.
- Repeatability
- Credit given for only one of MATH-A 118, MATH-M 118, MATH-S 118, MATH-V 118; or MATH-D 116 and MATH-D 117.
- Summer 2025CASE MMcourseSpring 2025CASE MMcourse
- Summer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
MATH-M 118 Finite Mathematics
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Notes
- R: To be successful, students will demonstrate mastery of two years of high school algebra as indicated by an appropriate ALEKS score or completion of MATH-M 014, MATH-M 018, or MATH-J 111
- Description
- Sets, counting, basic probability, including random variables and expected values. Linear systems, matrices, linear programming, and applications.
- Repeatability
- Credit given for only one of MATH-A 118, MATH-M 118, MATH-S 118, MATH-V 118; or MATH-D 116 and MATH-D 117.
- Summer 2025CASE MMcourseSpring 2025CASE MMcourse
- Summer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
MATH-V 118 Finite Mathematics with Applications
- Credits
- 3
- Prerequisites
- None
- Notes
- R: To be successful, students will demonstrate mastery of two years of high school algebra as indicated by an appropriate ALEKS score or completion of MATH-M 014, MATH-M 018, or MATH-J 111
- Description
- Sets, counting, basic probability, linear modelling, and other discrete topics. Applications to various areas depending on topic. Possibilities include social and biological sciences and consumer mathematics.
- Repeatability
- Credit given for only one of MATH-A 118, MATH-M 118, MATH-S 118, MATH-V 118; or MATH-D 116 and MATH-D 117.
- Summer 2025CASE NMcourseSpring 2025CASE NMcourse
- Both of the following:
- Internship or Overseas Experience.
- Related internship or overseas experience of at least 6 weeks duration, approved in advance by the unit’s Director of Undergraduate Studies.
- Area Studies. Two (2) courses:
- Major GPA, Hours, and Minimum Grade Requirements.
- Major GPA. A GPA of at least 2.000 for all courses taken in the major—including those where a grade lower than C- is earned—is required.
- Major Minimum Grade. Except for the GPA requirement, a grade of C- or higher is required for a course to count toward a requirement in the major.
- Major Upper Division Credit Hours. At least 18 credit hours in the major must be completed at the 300–499 level.
- Major Residency. At least 18 credit hours in the major must be completed in courses taken through the Indiana University Bloomington campus or an IU-administered or IU co-sponsored Overseas Study program.
Major Area Courses
Unless otherwise noted below, the following courses are considered in the academic program and will count toward academic program requirements as appropriate:
- Any course contained on the course lists for the academic program requirements at the time the course is taken—as well as any other courses that are deemed functionally equivalent—except for those listed only under Addenda Requirements
- Any course directed to a non-Addenda requirement through an approved exception
The Bachelor of Science degree requires at least 120 credit hours, to include the following:
- College of Arts and Sciences Credit Hours. At least 100 credit hours must come from College of Arts and Sciences disciplines.
- Upper Division Courses. At least 36 credit hours (of the 120) must be at the 300–499 level.
- College Residency. Following completion of the 60th credit hour toward degree, at least 36 credit hours of College of Arts and Sciences coursework must be completed through the Indiana University Bloomington campus or an IU-administered or IU co-sponsored Overseas Study program.
- College GPA. A College grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.000 is required.
- CASE Requirements. The following College of Arts and Sciences Education (CASE) requirements must be completed:
- CASE Foundations
- CASE Breadth of Inquiry
- CASE Culture Studies
- CASE Critical Approaches: 1 course
- CASE Foreign Language: Proficiency in a single foreign language through the second semester of the second year of college-level coursework
- CASE Intensive Writing: 1 course
- CASE Public Oral Communication: 1 course
- Major. Completion of the major as outlined in the Major Requirements section above.
Most students must also successfully complete the Indiana University Bloomington General Education program.
Subject areas
- Any AAAD course that carries degree credit
- Any AAST course that carries degree credit
- Any ABEH course that carries degree credit
- Any AFRI course that carries degree credit
- Any AMST course that carries degree credit
- Any ANTH course that carries degree credit
- Any ARTH course that carries degree credit
- Any ASCS course that carries degree credit
- Any AST course that carries degree credit
- Any BIOC course that carries degree credit
- Any BIOL course that carries degree credit
- Any BIOT course that carries degree credit
- Any CEUS course that carries degree credit
- Any CHEM course that carries degree credit
- Any CJUS course that carries degree credit
- Any CLAS course that carries degree credit
- Any CLLC course that carries degree credit
- Any CMLT course that carries degree credit
- Any COGS course that carries degree credit
- Any COLL course that carries degree credit
- Any EALC course that carries degree credit
- Any EAS course that carries degree credit
- Any ECON course that carries degree credit
- Any ENG course that carries degree credit
- Any EURO course that carries degree credit
- Any FOLK course that carries degree credit
- Any FRIT course that carries degree credit
- Any GEOG course that carries degree credit
- Any GER course that carries degree credit
- Any GLLC course that carries degree credit
- Any GNDR course that carries degree credit
- Any HHC course that carries degree credit
- Any HISP course that carries degree credit
- Any HIST course that carries degree credit
- Any HON course that carries degree credit
- Any HPSC course that carries degree credit
- Any HUBI course that carries degree credit
- Any IMP course that carries degree credit
- Any INST course that carries degree credit
- Any INTL course that carries degree credit
- Any JSTU course that carries degree credit
- Any LAMP course that carries degree credit
- Any LATS course that carries degree credit
- Any LING course that carries degree credit
- Any LTAM course that carries degree credit
- Any MATH course that carries degree credit
- Any MELC course that carries degree credit
- Any MEST course that carries degree credit
- Any MLS course that carries degree credit
- Any MSCH course that carries degree credit
- Any NEUS course that carries degree credit
- Any OVST course that carries degree credit
- Any PACE course that carries degree credit
- Any PHIL course that carries degree credit
- Any PHYS course that carries degree credit
- Any POLS course that carries degree credit
- Any PSY course that carries degree credit
- Any REEI course that carries degree credit
- Any REL course that carries degree credit
- Any RMI course that carries degree credit
- Any SEAS course that carries degree credit
- Any SGIS course that carries degree credit
- Any SLAV course that carries degree credit
- Any SLHS course that carries degree credit
- Any SLST course that carries degree credit
- Any SOAD course that carries degree credit
- Any SOC course that carries degree credit
- Any STAT course that carries degree credit
- Any THTR course that carries degree credit